


来源 :中华考试网 2020-05-20

  检察官 public procurator

  检察机关 procuratorial organ

  检察长 chief procurator

  坚持不懈地进行“扫黄打非”斗争 fight unremittingly against pornographic and illegal publicat ions

  坚持对话,不搞对抗 persist in dialogue, refrain from confrontation

  坚持解放思想、实事求是的思想路线,弘扬与时俱进的精神 adhere to the ideological guideline of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and upholds the spirit of advancing with time.

  坚持统一,反对分裂,增加了解,化解歧见 persist in reunificat ion, oppose separation, increase understanding and iron out differences

  剪刀差 price scissors; scissors movement of price

  监督部门 watchdog

  尖端产品 highly sophisticated products

  尖端课题 frontline subject

  减肥茶 diet tea

  减肥训练营 weight loss camp (250 traffic police offers in Bangkok, Thailand, have entered a weight loss camp to burn the fat in their plump body from June

  30. 泰国曼谷市 250 名体重超标的交通警察 6 月 30 日开始参加"交警减肥营"。)

  减 肥 药 slimming drug; weight-loss drug (Fifteen weight-loss products containing the drug sibutramine have been recalled across the country over concern that the diet pills could lead to an increased risk of heart disease. 因 担心会增加心血管病的风险,15 种含有西布曲明的减肥产品已经在全国范围内被召回。)

  减负 alleviate burdens on somebody

  监管漏洞 supervision loopholes (Hao's case reflected supervision loopholes in the country's coal sector. 郝(鹏俊)的案子反映出国家煤炭领域的监管漏洞。)

  监护权 custodial right

  舰舰导弹 ship-to-ship missile

  间接选举 indirect elect ion

  渐进式台独 gradual Taiwan independence

  渐近尾声 draw to a close

  检举箱 accusation letter box

  健康保险 health insurance( The Bryants did not provide her with health insurance and she sustained damages of $20000 in unpaid overtime.科比夫妇没有给她提供健康保险,拖欠她 2 万美元薪水。)

  健康带菌者 healthy carrier (In addition to the 19 confirmed cases, one student was diagnosed as a "healthy carrier," or a person who was infected with the cholera bacteria but displays no symptoms. However, "healthy carriers" can transmit the bacteria to others. 除了 19 个确诊病例外,还有一名学生被诊断为“健康带菌者”,也就是被感染了霍乱病毒但是却没有表现出症状。但是,“健康带菌者”可以把病毒传染给他人。)

  健康及意外险 health and casualty insurance

  健 康 证 health certificate (A university graduate who fought discrimination against Hepatitis B virus (HBV) carriers for two years has received a health certificate allowing him to be employed in the food industry. 在与对乙肝病毒携带者的歧视斗争了两年之后,一位大学毕业生终于拿到了允许他从事食品行业的健康证。)

  建立公正、合理的国际政治经济新秩序 build a fair and rat ional new international political and economic order

  建立健全国有资产管理和监督体制 establish and perfect the management and supervision system of State-owned assets

  见面会 meet-and-greet

  简明新闻 news in brief

  减排 carbon emission reduction

  减轻农民负担 reduce farmers' burdens; lighten the burden on farmers

  建设公债 public bonds for construction

  建设社会主义的物质文明和精神文明 build a socialist civilization that is advanced culturally and ideologically, as well as materially; promote socialist material progress and socialist culture and ideology

  建设社会主义法治国家 build a socialist country under the rule of law

  建设稳产高产基本农田 make primary farmland capable of producing stable, high yields.

  建设有中国特色的社会主义 build a socialist country under the rule of law build socialism with Chinese characteristics

  监事会 board of inspectors

  减速玻璃(汽车) decelerat ing glass

  荐贤举能 recommend the virtuous and the able

  减刑 have one's sentence commuted

  减员增效 downsize staffs and improve efficiency

  减 灾 disaster reduction; disaster mitigation; reduce damages caused by disaster

  舰载飞机 carrier-borne aircraft; carrier aircraft

  简 政 放 权 streamline admin istration and delegate power; streamline administration and institute decentralization

  建筑面积 floorage; floor space

  监察合一 the integration of supervision and investigation

  坚持国家绝对控股 keeping a controlling share in the state's hands

  坚持正确的政治方向 pursue a correct polit ical d irect ion

  坚定信心,扎实工作,旗帜鲜明,毫无动摇 enhance confidence, do a solid job, take a clear-cut stand and never waver in carrying on the fight in depth

  讲诚信,反欺诈: honor credibility and oppose cheating

  僵化思想 ossified thinking

  将军肚 general's belly; beer belly

  奖 励 工 资 制 度 a bonus wages system; a system of higher pay for better performance

  降落伞候选人,外来候选人(应召而来参加本人非所在地区竞选的政党候选人) parachute candidate

  江南水乡 the south of the lower reaches of the Yangze River

  讲排场,摆阔气 waste and extravagance

  讲求实效 stress practical results; strive for practical results

  僵尸电脑 zombie computer (Malicious code such as Conficker can be triggered to steal data or turn control of infected computers over to hackers amassing"zombie" machines for criminal ends. 入侵者可激活 Conficker 蠕虫病毒等恶意代码来窃取数据,或使被感染的电脑受黑客控制,进而产生大量的“僵尸电脑”以用于犯罪目的。)

  僵尸手机 zombie phone (We can compare an infected cell phone to a “zombie” phone. It will secretly send virus-linked text messages to your friends and colleagues and turn their phones into “zombies”, which will later create more “zombie” phones.


  的信息,然后把他们的手机都变成“僵尸”,之后,这些手机又会发展出更多的“僵尸”手机。) 降息 reduction of interest

  降息 reduction of interest rate

  讲义气 be loyal to friends; remain faithful to friends

  僵 持 stand-off (Two hijackers of a Sudanese jetliner surrendered to authorities in Libya after releasing all the passengers Wednesday after a 22-hour standoff. 经过 22 个小时的僵持,劫持苏丹客机的两名劫机者 27 日释放了所有人质,并向利比亚当局投降。)

  降低消耗 to reduce consumption of resources

  建立促进经济社会可持续发展的机制 establish a mechanism to promote sustainable

  social and economic development

  建立更加安全、更加尊重多样性和更加团结的世界 work for a safer, more diverse and united world

  建立巩固的国防 build a strong national defense

  健全国有资本经营预算制度 establishing a sound operating and budget system for state capital

  健全国有资本经营业绩考核体系 establishing a sound performance evaluation system for state capital

  健全国有资产重大损失责任追究制度 establishing a sound system for assigning responsibility for major losses of state assets for state capital

  健全就业,收入分配和社会保障制度 improve emp loyment, inco me d istribution and social security system

  减少和规范行政审批 to reduce the number of matters requiring administrative examination and approval and standardize such procedures

  建设高素质的领导干部队伍 build a contingent of high-calibre leading cardres

  建设统一开放竞争有序的现代市场体系 establish a unified, open and orderly modern market system

  建设完整的社会主义市场经济体系 establish a comp lete socialist market economic system

  建设信息化军队 to build computerized armed forces

  “简税制、宽税基、低税率、严征管”的原则 the principle of “a more simplified taxation system, broader tax collection basis, lower tax rates and stricter tax collection”

  简易过渡房 makeshift shelter (1 million makeshift shelters for quake-hit areas must be finished in 3 and half months, according to the 11th State Council's meeting of disaster relief Tuesday.)

  减员增效 reduce staff for greater efficiency

  叫板 challenge; pick a quarrel

  脚踩两只船 sit on the fence

  交叉报复 cross retaliation

  交割 delivery

  教工 teachers and staff

  铰接式公共汽车 articulated bus (World's longest articulated bus makes debut in Brazil--The bus has a capacity of 250 passengers, is 28 meters long, 2.6 meters wide, and powered with biodiesel made from soybeans. 世界最长铰接式公共汽车在巴西首次亮相——这一公共汽车可容纳 250 名乘客,车身长 28 米,宽 2.6 米,采用的燃料是从大豆中提取的生物柴油。)

  交流学者 exchange scholar

  胶囊公寓 capsule apartment (Huang is auctioning a five-year patent to his life's work - the capsule apartments that have been capturing international media attention since last April. 黄正在拍卖其胶囊公寓的五年专利使用权。这种公寓是他毕生的一个成就,自去年四月以来就得到了国际媒体的关注。)

  矫情 use lame arguments

  教书育人 impart knowledge and educate people


  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题



