


来源 :中华考试网 2020-05-12

  单 行 线 single line

  单眼皮 single eyelid

  单一票制 flat fare

  淡妆 light makeup

  盗版 VCD pirated VCD

  导播 instructor in broadcasting

  倒春寒 unusually co ld spell in an otherwise warm early spring

  盗打 (电话) free call on somebody else's expense through illegal means

  导弹发射场 missile launching site; missile site

  导弹护卫舰 (guided) missile destroyer

  道德法庭 court of ethics

  倒挂销售 sell at a price lower than the purchasing price

  倒汇 speculate in foreign currency

  倒计时 countdown

  捣浆糊(北方方言,和稀泥) give the runaround; run wild; act restlessly

  倒买倒卖 profiteering

  倒票 speculative reselling of tickets

  倒爷 profiteer

  盗用公款 embezzlement

  道路交通安全法 the law on road traffic safety

  到位 in place

  大排量 车 high-emission car (China will raise the consumption tax on high-emission cars and cut tax on low-emission ones from September 1, in an effort to save energy and fight pollution. 为节能和减少污染,我国将从 9 月 1 日起提高大排量车的消费税税率,同时降低小排量车消费税税率。)

  打破企业垄断 to break business monopolies

  打折店 discount store

  德 才 兼 备 have both political integrity and ability; peop le who possess both political integrity and professional ability

  德高望重 be of high integrity and prestige; enjoy high prestige and command universal respect; be of noble character and enjoys high prestige

  德智体美劳 "all around development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labour education "

  等额选举 single-candid ate elect ion

  登革热 Dengue Fever

  等价交换 equal-value exchange 等距离外交 equidistant diplomacy 等外品 "off-grade goods, rejects"

  登月舱 lunar module

  登记失业率 registered jobless rate

  地磁暴 geomagnetic storm (caused by the activities of the sunspot) 低调 low keyed (a metaphor for taking a cautious and slow approach) 地对地导弹 surface-to-surface ballistic missile

  地对空导弹 surface-to-air ballistic missile

  敌对势力 hostile forces

  第二产业 secondary industry

  第二课堂 the second classroom; practical train ing besides lecturing in the classroom

  第二上市 secondary listing

  第二学位 second Bachelor's degree

  地方保护主义 regional protectionism

  地方财政包干制 system where local authorities take full responsibility for their finances

  地方财政 finance of local admin istration; local public finance; local finance

  地 沟 油 swill-cooked dirty oil (The "illegal cooking oil" is usually made from discarded kitchen waste that has been refined, the report said, adding that the oil, which contains a highly toxic and carcinogenic substance called "aflatoxin", can cause cancer. 该报告称,“地沟油”通常使用餐厨垃圾提炼而成,成分中含有的黄曲霉素毒性很强,可致癌。)

  低谷 all-time low; at a low ebb

  低级市 prefecture-level city 地级市 prefecture-level city 低价住房 low-cost housing

  抵抗全球经济衰退 combat the global economic slump

  低空飞行 low-alt itude flying

  底夸克 bottom quark

  第六感觉 the sixth sense

  抵免 offset

  地 面 塌 陷 earth's surface sinking (More than 10 cases of the earth's surface sinking have been reported in the Jinshazhou housing estate since construction of the Guangzhou-Wuhan express railway began. 自武广高速铁路开工建设以来, 金沙洲住宅区已上报十余起地面塌陷事故。)

  地勤人员 ground crew

  地球村 global village


  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题



