


来源 :中华考试网 2020-05-12

  打假 crack down on fake products

  打假办 Office of Cracking down on Fake Products

  大检察官 principal pub lic procurator

  带薪产假 paid maternity leave

  带薪分流 assign redundant civil servants to other jobs while allowing them to

  retain their original rank and benefits

  带薪假期 paid holiday

  带薪年假 paid annual leave (The holiday will last from May 1 to 7, 3 days of

  which are legal national holidays followed by a 2-day weekend and a 2-day paid

  annual leave. 5 月 1 日至 7 日放假,其中 3 天为国家法定节日,2 天为周末,2 天为带


  贷学金(助学贷款) student loan

  待业 job-waiting


  job-waiting people

  代孕 surrogate births(Japanese obstetricians adopted a ban against surrogate

  births in 1983. 1983 年日本产科界通过了一项禁止代孕的规定。)

  呆帐 dead account

  代职 function in an acting capacity

  逮捕证 arrest warrant

  待机模式 standby mode

  代金券 credit voucher, voucher

  待机时间 standby time (In addition, iPhone will feature up to 250 hours—more

  than 10 days—of standby time. 此外,iPhone 的特性还有长达 250 小时——超过 10天——的待机时间。)

  贷款利率 lending rate

  贷款限额 credit ceilings企业、技术革新项目等发放更多贷款。)

  贷款质量 loan quality

  代理书记 Acting Secretary (Acting Secretary of Commerce Robert L. Mallett

  today announced 18 inaugural appointments to two new public advisory

  committees at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.)

  上/下班打卡 punch in (out)

  蛋白质工程 protein engineering

  单边主义 unilateralism

  弹道导弹 ballistic missile

  单刀赴会 start a solo run

  单方面撕毁协定 unilaterally tear up an agreement or a treaty

  淡季 dead or slack season

  单亲 single parent

  单身贵族 the single

  单亲家庭 single-parent family

  淡水恶化 freshwater degradation

  单挑;单干 do something by oneself; work on one's own

  单位行贿 corporate bribery

  单向收费 One-way charge system

  单循环制 single round-robin system

  单一经济 one sided economy; single product economy

  单一种植 single cropping


  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题



