

2020年CATTI 笔译二级精选词汇(五)

来源 :中华考试网 2020-04-23

  1. 以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系: this new type of international relations of win-win cooperation/ a new-type international relationship for win-win cooperation

  2. 厚积薄发、水到渠成: natural outcome/ naturally

  3. 来自于... : originate from...

  4. 不是偶然掉在我们头上的一个苹果: be not an apple that fell on our heads

  5. 而是: rather

  6. 博大精深的: great and profound

  7. 立身处世之道: the wisdom of how to function in a social environment

  8. 己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人: help others secure a footing and succeed if you are to make it youself

  9. 丈夫贵兼济,岂独善其身: A true gentleman is defined by being inclusive of, rather than being insulated from others

  10. 人性本恶: human nature being evil/ inherent vice

  11. 物竞天折:the survival of the fittest

  12. 有着明显不同:differ vastly from sth.

  13. 得道才能多助:it is a just cause that enjoys popular support

  14. 从自身的经历:what has happened to them

  15. 中国朋友遍天下,隔山拒海不能限:China boasts friendship that defies mountains and crosses seas to reach all corners of the world

  16. 践行合作共赢:live the vision of win-win cooperation

  17. 更有能力做某事:be better-positioned to do sth.

  18. Be momentous for sth.:意义重大

  19. economically self sufficient:经济上自给自足

  1. 国际力量对比: the shift in the international balance of power

  2. 人类的发展事业: mankind's development

  3. 随着...的来临/演变: with the advent of sth.

  4. 前所未有的: never seen before

  5. 宗旨和原则: the purposes of principles of sth.

  6. 联合国宪章:the UN Charter

  7. 往往:more often than not/ tend to do sth.

  8. 各种不公正的现象: acts of injustice

  9. 依然时有发生: keep emerging

  10. 仅仅举几个例子: to name just a few

  11. 进入:head for sth.

  12. 现在是...的时代/世界:we are living in a ...era/ world when/where

  13. 任何一个环节出了问题:any link goes wrong

  14. 独善其身:be insulated from sth./ be immune

  15. 同舟共济:all must stand together to do sth.

  16. 从大局出发:bear in the big picture

  17. 现实:the state of affairs

  18. a changing climate:气候变化

  1. “己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人”的英文表达是___。

  A. being able to establish oneself, one should help others to do so

  B. help others secure a footing and succeed if you are to make it youself

  C. have Yuli written for the people, has been reached and want to reach people


  2. “新中国成立以来,中国政府积极倡导和平共处五项原则,致力于与各国开展友好合作,既为自身建设添砖加瓦,也为别人发展雪中送炭。”中“添砖加瓦和雪中送炭”翻译时处理为___。

  A. make a little contribution

  B. offer fuel in snowy weathe

  C. power/ fuel


  3. “ 中国朋友遍天下,隔山拒海不能限。”官方译文是:China's friends are all over the world, near and far,对其进行润色,修改后的英文译文是___。

  A. Today China boasts friendship that defies mountains and crosses seas to reach all corners of the world.

  B. Chinese friends all over the world,from which the hills and the sea can't be limited.

  C. China makes friends,who are separated by many seas and mountains.


  4. “But the rapid transition from a society of individual fishermen and hunters to an economy supported by corporate mining raises difficult questions. ”该句中“individual fishermen and hunters”翻译为___。

  A. 个体渔民和猎人

  B. 渔民和猎人

  C. 渔民个人和猎人



  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题



