


来源 :中华考试网 2020-04-17

  师徒四人走了一个多月,来到一座道观,叫五庄观,建筑壮丽, 环境幽雅。两个道童走出来,问: “ 您可是往西天取经的三藏法师?”三藏说:“我正是,你咋知道?”一位仙童回答:“我师父是镇元子仙人,他有事出门,临走时令我们在此接待各位。”

  traveling for over a month they arrived at a Taoist temple, Wu Zhuang Guan, whose buildings were magnificent and environment reclusive. Two young Taoist boys walked out and asked: “Are you Master San Zang?” San Zang said: “Yes, I am. How do you know?” One boy replied: “Our Shifu is Zhen Yuanzi. He is out. On leaving he asked us to meet you here. ”

  师徒四人高高兴兴地随两位仙童到各自屋内休息。仙童给三藏送去两个人参果,仙果像极了初生婴儿把三藏吓了一跳,不肯吃。两位仙童只好把仙果拿回,说: “这和尚真是呆子, 这仙果九千年才熟一次,吃了可以延年益寿, 他却不吃!那咱们俩吃了吧。”

  They followed the the boys happily into four different rooms to rest. The boys brought two pears to San Zang but he was scared and wouldn’t eat because they looked exactly like newly born babies. The two boys had to take them back, saying: “What a fool this monk is! These pears take nine thousand years to ripen and can prolong lives. Since he won’t eat let’s have them! ”


  Unexpectedly, these words were overheard by Bajie next door. He told Wukong and egged him to steal some. Wukong went to the backyard, found the tree, climbed up and picked one but it accidentally fell to the ground and disappeared so Wukong picked another three, wrapped them up and took them back to share with his pals.

  八戒说:“真好吃,我还想吃。” 结果被从门口经过的道童听到。道童起了疑心,赶紧跑到后院数了下人参果,结果少了四个,连忙去责问三藏。

  Bajie exclaimed: “So sweet! I want more!” The two boys were passing by and overheard this. Being suspicious, they rushed to the backyard and counted the pears. Of course they found the number was four short so they hurried to question San Zang.

  三藏把三个徒弟叫来问,悟空不敢在师父面前撒谎便说:“是我打下三个果子, 我们三人分吃了。”道童高声叫喊:“果子明明少了四个, 你怎说只偷了三个?”八戒在旁边火上浇油“原来大师兄藏起一个独自享用。”San Zang summoned his three disciples for interrogation. Wukong dared not lie to his Shifu so he said: “I picked three pears and shared them with Bajie and Sha Seng.” One boy shouted: “How dare you say three? Four are missing!” Bajie added fuel to fire by saying “You kept one for yourself? Shame on you!”

  见大家纷纷责怪,悟空心中冒火, 暗想:几个果子而已就大吵大闹, 太小气了!干脆以后大家都别吃了。然后他从脑后拔下一根毛变成自己模样,真身偷偷溜到后院,把树推倒了。All the blame and criticism made Wukong angry. Thinking to himself: “It’s just a few pears. Why such a fuss? Cheapskate! So, none of us will have them”, he pulled a hair, changed it into himself and the real himself went to the backyard and knocked the tree to the ground.

  两个道童骂了一会儿,怕自己数错了冤枉了他们,就回到后院再数一遍。结果眼前的景象把他们吓傻了。后来,其中一个道童说: “我们先设法把他们困在这里, 等师父回来再处理吧。” 两个道童趁三藏师徒在房间吃饭的时候把他们锁在了房间里,然后站在门外训斥他们。

  quarreling for a while, for fear of wronging Wukong they decided to recount the pears. But they were stunned by what they saw. Later one boy collected himself and said: “We must figure out a way to lock them up and wait for our master to handle them.” When San Zang and his followers were having dinner in the room the two boys got out, locked the door and lectured Wukong for destroying the tree.

  三藏埋怨悟空:“你着实可恶, 偷了人家果子,怎还毁了人家果树?这下我们如何出去?”

  San Zang complained to Wukong: “You stole the fruit and destroyed the tree? That’s too much!Thanks to you we are stuck here!”


  Wukong assured San Zang that he would take him out. That night Wukong opened the lock with a spell. Then San Zang, with his followers, sneaked out and ran the whole night. At dawn, they were too tired to travel so they had a rest bythe road.

  不知从何处来了一个老道,问: “你们打哪儿来?”三藏说:“我是大唐差往西天取经的。”道士又问:“你们可曾经过五庄观?” 悟空赶紧抢答:“不曾路过。”A Taoist emerged from nowhere and asked: “Where are you from?” San Zang said: “Tang emperor sent me to the west to fetch scriptures.” The Taoist continued: “Have you passed Wu Zhuang Guan?” Wukong forestalled San Zang and answered “We haven’t.”

  “好一只泼猴!还想瞒我!”那道士怒斥:“我就是五庄观的镇元大仙,你推倒我的人参果树还想溜走?赔我树来!”“What a sly monkey! Liar!” the Taoist thundered: “I am Zhen Yuan Da Xian from Wu Zhuang Guan. You pushed down my precious tree and wanna sneak away? Pay me my tree!”

  悟空谎言被揭穿,恼羞成怒,提棒便打。不料,大仙法力高强只轻甩袖袍便把他们四人连人带马装进了袖子里。The lie being exposed, Wukong felt embarrassed and angry so he came at Zhen Yuanzi with his stick. Unexpectedly, Zhen Yuanzi had much greater magic power than he did. He slightly swayed his sleeve and all the four together with the horse were sucked in.


  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题



