


来源 :中华人民共和国驻大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国大使馆 2020-01-13

  Hong Kong, and the violence in the city, has been a focus of public attention and the “extradition bill” is blamed. What is it about this bill?

  Early this year, the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) proposed to amend the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance and the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance to strengthen the rule of law and plug a legal loophole caused by a lack of extradition arrangements between Hong Kong and many other places, including but not limited to the Chinese mainland. However, this legitimate act aimed at preventing Hong Kong from becoming a “haven for fugitives” was distorted by the opposition and some foreign forces, who claimed this would allow the SAR to send people to the Chinese mainland for trial. Due to a lack of consensus, the SAR government decided to put the work on hold.

  Critics say the bill will undermine “one country, two systems”.

