


来源 :英语世界 2020-01-10

  5.The international society speaks highly of the counter-terrorism and de-radicalization measures in Xinjiang

  The issues Xinjiang faces are counter-terrorism and de-radicalization rather than religion and human rights ones. Since last year, Xinjiang Education and Training Centers have received thousands of media friends, diplomats, experts and scholars, human rights organization officials and religious figures from dozens of countries. Most visitors believe that the Education and Training Centers are effective to curb violent crimes of terrorism and the spread of extremism. Recently Ambassadors of 50 countries from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe to the UN Office at Geneva co-signed a letter to the President of the UN Human Rights Council and High Commissioner for Human Rights. They spoke highly of the social and economic development in China, the achievements of Chin’s counter-terrorism and de-radicalization measures as well as the protection of human rights. They supported China’s position on Xinjiang-related issues and collectively pointed out that the Vocational Education and Training Centers and other counter-terrorism and de-radicalization measures in Xinjiang have effectively protected basic human rights.

  “You do not know whether the shoes fit until you put them on.” The best-qualified to speak on Xinjiang are the Xinjiang people of all ethnic groups and the whole Chinese nation. We hope that Icelandic people can view the Xinjiang-related issues from an objective perspective, do not blindly follow and be easily convinced by some hearsay or the one-sided reports from some media. We welcome all of you to make field visits to Xinjiang, and see for yourselves the beautiful scenery and profound changes taking place in Xinjiang.

