


来源 :中华考试网 2017-11-03




  “One country, two systems” is a basic state policy the Chinese government has adopted to realize the peaceful reunification of the country.


  Following this principle, the Chinese government successfully solved the question of Hong Kong through diplomatic negotiations with the British government, and resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong on July 1, 1997, fulfilling the common aspiration of the Chinese people for the recovery of Hong Kong.


  As a result, Hong Kong got rid of colonial rule and returned to theembrace of the motherland, and embarked on the broad road of common development with the mainland, as they complemented each other’s advantages.


  On July 1, 1997, the Chinese government resumed its exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong. At the same time, the HKSAR was established and the Basic Law came into effect.

  HKSAR = Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


  Hong Kong entered a new epoch characterized by “one country, two systems,” “Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong” and a high degree of autonomy.


  As members of the big Chinese family, the people of Hong Kong and the people of the mainland share the pride and glory of the great mother country, and bear the common responsibility and mission ofrejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


  Hong Kong has maintained and enhanced its status as an international financial, trade and shipping center. As an important international banking center, Hong Kong boasts the world’s sixth-largest securities market and fifth-largest foreign exchange market.


  Trade and logistics, tourism, finance, and professional services and support services for industry and commerce continue to play an important role as Hong Kong’s four pillar industries.


  Hong Kong ranks high in various lists of international financial centers. As the world’s ninth-largest trading economy, Hong Konghas regular trading ties with almost every country and region in the world.


  Cultural and sports activities are flourishing in Hong Kong, where theChinese and foreign cultures intermingle. The HKSAR government encourages the diverse development of Hong Kong’s culture and promotes cultural exchanges.


  Hong Kong is one of the world’s largest container shipping ports andfourth-largest ship-registration center. The Hong Kong International Airport is one of the world’s busiest. Its air freight volume has led the world for many years, and its passenger transport volume ranks fifth.


  Hong Kong has put in place a multilayer and diversified social security and welfare service system.


  Hong Kong has more than 400 social service agencies, and the number of registered social workers has increased from 8,300 at the end of 1998 to more than 18,000 today.


  Since the establishment of the HKSAR, the government of the Special Administrative Region has, with energetic support from the central government and the mainland, rallied people of all walks of life in Hong Kong, worked hard and overcome difficulties, made full use of the advantage of the policy of “one country, two systems,” maintained overall social, economic and political stability, promoted the development of all undertakings and made new achievements one after another.

