


来源 :CATTI中心 2020-07-10


  Britain's two main political parties are haggling over the nation's withdrawal from the European Union, but even with the departure on hold for the next few months, the badly divided government remains in crisis, unable to agree on an approach to the country's biggest peacetime decision in decades.

  Prime Minister Theresa May paid for the struggles with her job, announcing on May 24 that she would resign after failing to come up with a plan that satisfied her party, her coalition partners and officials in Brussels. On July 23, the Conservative Party chose Boris Johnson to succeed her and take control of the Brexit process.

  Three times this year, Parliament soundly rejected the plan that Mrs. May negotiated with the European Union for the departure, commonly known as Brexit, and the bloc twice agreed to postpone the exit date. Unable to win over enough members of her own Conservative Party, even when she offered to quit in exchange for their support on the third try, Mrs. May was forced to begin negotiating with the leader of the opposition Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn. Those talks eventually collapsed.

  The deadline is effectively Oct. 31, and all options remain on the table, including leaving without a deal - a situation that many fear will be economically damaging. At the other extreme, abandoning Brexit altogether is still a possibility, as are assorted approaches in between, varying in how closely Britain would remain tied to European trade rules. Mr. Johnson has promised that he can hammer out a new agreement by the October deadline, and that Britain will leave on that date without a deal if the negotiations fail.

  Europe is Britain's most important export market and its biggest source of foreign investment, and membership in the bloc has helped London cement its position as a global financial center. An announcement, or at least a threat, from a major business to leave Britain because of Brexit is a regular occurrence. The list of companies that are thinking about relocating includes Airbus, which employs 14,000 people and supports more than 100,000 other jobs.

  The government has projected that in 15 years, the country's economy will be anywhere from 4 percent to 9 percent smaller under Brexit than it would inside the bloc, depending on how it leaves.

  Undoing 46 years of economic integration in one stroke was never going to be easy, and the Brexit process has been bedeviled by the same divisions that led to the referendum in the first place. Both Britain's main parties, the governing Conservatives and the Labour opposition, are divided over what to do, leaving Parliament so factionalized that there may be no coherent plan that would get a majority.

  材料节选自《纽约时报》( The New York Times)“世界报道” 栏目专题文章,《纽约时报》的时政新闻特写善于解读当下、洞察未来,是CATTI考试选材的重要来源。这篇文章的原文标题为What is Brexit? A Simple Guide to Why It Matters and What Happens Next。Brexit指的是Britain exiting (British exit) from the EU,翻译为:英国脱欧,即英国脱离欧洲联盟计划。这场在英国上演的大戏历时数年,最终于2020年1月31日完结,英国宣布正式脱欧。


  the European Union:欧盟

  Prime Minister:首相

  the Conservative Party:保守党



  the Labour Party:工党

  economic integration:经济一体化



  1…Mrs. May was forced to begin negotiating with the leader of the opposition Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn. Those talks eventually collapsed.

  这句话中出现了具有隐喻含义的词汇“collapse”,它的隐喻含义为“if something, for example a system or institution collapses, it fails or comes to an end completely and suddenly”,因此用该词来形容谈判失败,十分恰当。在翻译时,可以将“eventually”和“ collapsed”的意思合并,选取符合中文表达习惯的译法,如:以失败告终,或以惨败收场。


  2Mr. Johnson has promised that he can hammer out a new agreement by the October deadline…

  这句话中hammer out具有隐喻含义,它的意思为“if people hammer out an agreement or treaty, they succeed in producing it after a long or difficult discussion”,用于比喻达成协议的艰辛。另外,在翻译时,要注意动宾搭配,宾语为“新协议”,因此可以译为:打磨。



  1The list of companies that are thinking about relocating includes Airbus, which employs 14,000 people and supports more than 100,000 other jobs.

  这句话中含有两个定语从句,分别是“that are thinking about relocating”以及“which employs 14,000 people and supports more than 100,000 other jobs”,分别修饰“companies”和“Airbus”。由于第一个定语从句较短,因此在翻译时可以采用合并法,使用“……的”结构,将定语从句置于被修饰词之前,把英语复合句译为汉语的简单句。而第二个定语从句较长,若同样采取前置译法则不符合汉语的表达习惯,因此可以采取分译法,将定语从句置于被修饰词之后,把定语从句译为并列的分句。


  2Both Britain's main parties, the governing Conservatives and the Labour opposition, are divided over what to do, leaving Parliament so factionalized that there may be no coherent plan that would get a majority.

  这句话的句式较为复杂,因此在翻译之前要先断句,理清句子的结构关系。“the governing Conservatives and the Labour opposition”是“Both Britain's main parties”的同位语,“leaving…”引导伴随状语,“so…that…”引导结果状语从句。在翻译时,我们要根据句子的结构关系进行翻译,把含有多个成分的英语长句,译为汉语短句。



  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题



