


来源 :中华考试网 2018-09-18


  这会开得冷冷清清,很难进行下去The meeting was very dull.

  There was no response/feedback on the conference. It’s going on the verge/point of breaking up/dismiss.

  冷冷清清: dull/desolate; cold and cheerless 冷冷清清的局面: dreary situation( that makes you feel sad)

  当今的世界并不太平。Today’s world is far from tranquility /in turmoil.

  Delicate figure小巧玲珑的身材 delicate celery嫩芹菜 delicate weather风和日丽

  福态: lucky/blessing-face glamorizing moonlight 皎洁的月光

  雷锋是我们的好儿子。Leifeng was our worthy-son.

  My son are hard on shoes.我儿子穿鞋很废

  He outgrew his clothes.他的衣服穿小了

  His mind swept all over the world and everything cannot escape from him. 它总揽全局, 对一切了如指掌

  Nothing meticulous could escape from you. 你事事无巨细、事必躬亲

  The painstaking from study is true about enjoyable to him. 其实,学习是苦中有乐,乐中有苦的事

  The latest/current fad 最新/当前的时尚

  A fad for physical fitness 一阵健身的狂热

  To be more than just a passing fad 并不是昙花一现

  Know ins and outs[BrE]/know the ropes[AmE] 无所不知,无所不晓

  他们成品字形坐下They sit face to face in triangle way

  让世界充满爱。Let the world overflowing with love/love makes the world go around.

  Sparkle: 蓬荜生辉 your appearance sparkled the party

  Recognizing qualification 资格认证

  Quite a match 天造地设的一对

  Flimsy excuse 站不住脚的借口

  can not hold water

  He only has a smattering of French他只懂一点法语

  Had it not be for the Communist Party, it would have no new China.没有共产党,就没有新中国

  Far away from us is moon, charming and elusive, dimly sight, it produces sth in our mind, dreams.


  明月/皓月当空 moonshine/shining moon

