


来源 :中华考试网 2017-12-19

  “港人治港”  “Hong Kong people administer Hong Kong.”

  “一国两制” “one country , two systems”

  爱国统一战线   the patriotic united front

  反对“台独” oppose the “Independence of Taiwan”

  反对制造“两个中国”、“一中一台” oppose the attempt to create “two Chinas” or “one China, one Taiwan”

  享有高度自治海峡两岸关系  enjoy a high degree of autonomy Straits

  恢复对香港行使主权 the relationships between the two sides of the Taiwan resume the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong

  坚持统一,反对分裂,增加了解,化解歧见 persist in reunification, oppose separation , increase understanding and iron out differences

  台湾当局  the Taiwan authorities

  台湾同胞 Taiwan compatriots

  探亲外交 family-visit diplomacy; relative-visit ing diplomacy

  汪辜会谈 Wang Daohan-Koo Chenfu Talks; Wang-Koo Talks

  香港/澳门特别行政区基本法 the Basic Law of the Hong Kong / Macao Special Administrative Region

  祖国和平统一大业 motherland the great cause of peaceful reunificat ion of the


  Taiwan is an inalienable part of the invio lable territory of China.


  The splitting activities by the Taiwan separat ist forces are unpopular.


  The Taiwan question is China’s internal affair, and China will brook no

  interference by outside forces under whatever pretext and in whatever form.


  The 23 million Taiwan compatriots are our brothers and sisters of the same blood.


  There is but one China in the world, and both the mainland and Taiwan belong to one China. China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity brook no divis ion.


  Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao will retain the current capitalist system and way of life for a long time to come.


  The One-China Principle is the foundation and prerequisite for peaceful mreunificat ion.


  To safeguard national unity bears on the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation. We Chinese people will safeguard our state sovereignty and territorial integrity with firm resolve. We will never allow anyone to separate Taiwan from China in any way.

