


来源 :中华考试网 2017-07-11



  中国政府把环境保护作为一项基本国策。保护环境关系到我国现代化建设的全局和长远发展,是造福当代、惠及子孙的事业。坚持保护环境 的基本国策,深入实施可持续发展战略;坚持预防为主、综合治理,全面推进、重点突破,着力解决危害人民群众健康的突出环境问题;坚持创新体制机制,依靠科 技进步,强化环境法治,发挥社会各方面的积极性。我国环境保护取得了积极进展,环境污染和生态破坏加剧的趋势减缓,部分流域区域污染治理取得初步成效,部 分城市和地区环境质量有所改善,工业产品的污染排放强度有所下降。


  The Chinese government regards environmental protection as a basic national policy. Environmental protection not only has a bearing on the overall situation of China’s modernization drive and its long-term development, but also constitutes an undertaking which will benefit the Chinese people of today and their descendents. Sticking to environmental protection as a basic national policy, Chinese government has deeply implemented sustainable strategies for development. Adhering to the principle of comprehensive control with the emphasis on prevention, entire push-on with breakthroughs in key areas, Chinese government has made great efforts to solve those striking environmental problems threatening people’s health. It has persisted in institutional innovation, relied on technological advances, strengthened the role of law in environmental protection and brought into full play the initiative of various sectors of the society. Thanks to the achievements in our environmental protection, the trend toward aggravated environmental pollution and ecological destruction has slowed down, pollution control in some river basins has achieved some initial success, the environmental quality of some cities and regions has improved to some extent, and the extent of pollution discharge of industrial products has lessened.

