


来源 :中华考试网 2017-07-12


  互生办事的专心,少有人及得他。他办立达便饮食坐卧只惦着立达,再不想别的。立达好像他的情人,他的独子。他性情本有些猖介,但为了立达,也常 去看一班大人先生,更常去看那些有钱可借的老板之类。他东补西凑地为立达筹款子,还要跑北京,跑南京。有一回他本可以留学去,但丢不下立达,到底没有去。 他将生命献给立达,立达也便是他的生命。他办立达这么多年,并没有让多少人知道他个人的名字,他早忘记了自己。现在他那样壮键的身子到底为立达牺牲了。他 殉了自己的理想,是有意义的。只是这理想刚在萌芽;我们都该想想,立达怎样才可不死呢?立达不死,互生其实也便不死了.

  Few people 1 knew of were as devoted as Husheng. When he was running Lida School, all his thoughts were on the school, whatever he did. Lida was like his sweetheart, his only son. He was by nature an honest man, but for the sake of Lida, he had to go and see important people, bosses and others from whom he hoped to borrow money. To raise funds, he had to run many places, even as far as Beijing and Nanjing. Once he could have gone to study abroad, but he did not go in the end because he could not tear himself away from the school. He had sacrificed his life for Lida and Iida had become his life too. Though he was head of the school for so many years, he never tried to make his name known to the public. He had forgotten about himself altogether. Now he had worked himself to death for Lida despite his robust constitution. He had died for his ideal-a meaningful death. His ideal was merely beginning to bud. Now we should all think about one question: what must we do to keep Lida alive? If Lida is kept alive, Husheng lives on.

