


来源 :中华考试网 2018-06-25


  General hospital 综合医院

  Children's hospital 儿童医院

  Obstetrics and gynecology hospital 妇产医院

  Maternity hospital 产科医院

  Plastic surgery hospital 整形外科医院

  Tumour hospital 肿瘤医院

  Mental hospital 精神医院

  Eye and ENT hospital (ear-nose-throat) 五官科医院

  Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) hospital 中医院

  The department of internal medicine/medical department 内科

  The department of surgery /surgical department 外科

  dental department 牙科

  ENT department 耳鼻喉科

  The department of traditional Chinese medicine 中医科

  Registration office 挂号处

  Outpatient department 门诊部

  Inpatient department 住院部

  Nursing department 护理部

  Consulting room 诊室

  Waiting room 候诊室

  Emergency room 急诊室

  Operating room 手术室

  X-ray department 放射科

  Laboratory 化验室

  Blood bank/pharmacy 血库/药房

  Medical/surgical/isolation/observation ward 内科病房/外科病房/隔离病房/观察室

  Director of the hospital 医院院长

  Head of the medical/surgical department 内科/外科主任

  Doctor/physician /surgeon 医生/内科医生/外科医生

  Traditional Chinese medicine doctor 中医(医生)

  Nurse/head nurse 护士/护士长

  Head of the nursing department 护理部主任

  Laboratory technician 化验员

  Emergency case 急诊病人

