


来源 :中华考试网 2017-04-01

  保息股票 guaranteed stock

  保障措施 supporting measures

  保证金 margins, collateral

  保证金帐户 margin account

  保证重点支出 ensure funding for priority areas

  保值储蓄 inflation-proof bank savings

  保值利率 index-linked interest rate; inflation-proof interest rate

  保质期 shelf (storage) life; guarantee period

  报复性关税 retaliatory duty

  报关员 declarant

  报国计划的实施 implementation of Dedicator’s Project

  报价单 quotation of prices

  报喜不报忧 report only the good but not the bad

  报销 apply for reimbursement

  暴发户 new rich; upstart (persons or households who suddenly became rich through unscrupulous means or unexpected opportunities)

  暴力片 splatter film

  爆冷门 produce an unexpected winner; a dark horse bobbing up

  北京奥申委 Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bidding Committee (BOBICO)

  北京四环路 the fourth ring road in Beijing

  北欧投资银行 Nordic Investment Bank

  北约 NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

  备件 spare parts

  备用资金 reserve fund

  背黑锅 to become a scapegoat

  背投屏幕 rear projection screen

  被动吸烟 passive smoking; second-hand smoking

  被叫方付费电话 Reverse-charge call/ collect telephone call

  被摘牌的公司 delisted company

  奔小康 strive for a relatively comfortable life

  本本主义 bookishness

  本垒打 circuit clout, four-master, round trip

  本命年 one’s year of birth considered in relation to the 12 Terrestrial Branches

  本票 cashier’s cheque

  本土化 localilzation

