来源 :中华考试网 2018-11-19
Henan is located in the middle and eastern part of China, the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, bordering Anhui, Shandong in the east, Hebe, Shanxi in the north, Shaanxi in the west and Hubei in the south. It has an area of 0.167 million square kilometers and a population of 97.68 million, ranking 17th and first respectively in China. Henan has seventeen cities under its jurisdiction, one city under its control, twenty-one county level cities, eighty-nine counties and forty-eight districts. In 2005, it had a GDP of 1053.52 billion with a year-on-year increase of 14.1% and a per-capita GDP of 11236 Yuan. Over the past more than twenty years, Henan has gained great achievement. In 2004, it received 0.45 million persons/times of tourists and got a foreign currency of 0.16 billion US. dollars with a year-on-year increase of 138.7% and 152% respectively. Henan has received 80.12 million persons/times of domestic tourists and got a domestic tourism revenue of 56 billion RMB with a year-on-year increase of 58.6% and 63.8% respectively, achieving a gross tourism revenue of 57.3 billion with a year-on-year increase of 65.2%, or 7.2% of its GDP. It is a major province in terms of agriculture and industry. In 2007, Henan had a grain output exceed 50 billion kilograms, ranking first for eight successive yeas in China, and it had a GDP of 1500 billion, ranking fifth for ten successive years in China, only next to Guangdong, Shandong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. It has been a new emerging major province in terms of economy with its GDP ranking 16th.
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