来源 :中华考试网 2022-05-19
going on the track of sound progress
from each according to his ability, to each according to his work/needs.
榜样总是跑在最前端。在寻求新榜样的努力中,人们将所有美好的标签都贴到了民营科技企业家、以及被冠以“知识精英”之名的海归派身上。新的体制环境对他们宠爱有加,他们成了官员推宠的座上宾,传媒报道的宠儿。如果说台 湾高科技的经验是缘起于新竹的那3000个归国留学生,那么我们也有理由将所有光环都加到民营科技企业家和海归们头上。
Models are always most attractive. In people's efforts in finding a model, they attributed all the good qualities to the national capitalist in the field of science and technology, and to the “returned students”, the so-called “elite intellectual”。 Besides enjoying the rules and systems favorable to them, the national capitalists are the favorites of the government officials and reporters. If we attribute the high technology of Taiwan to those 3000 people who have studied abroad, we can justify our practice of attaching all the good qualities to the national capitalist in the field of science and technology, and to the “returned students”。