


来源 :中华考试网 2022-01-18

  The fact that American Horror Story Season 10 would be split in two was teased by this season's title, "Double Feature."


  AHS creator Ryan Murphy has been teasing that Season 10 would tell two stories since the end of the 1984 season in 2019. In a Variety interview, he said that he was toying with "dealing with two ideas and I lean towards whichever is more in my brain right now."

  其实在2019年播出的第九季《美恐:1984》结尾,导演Ryan Murphy就开玩笑说,到了第十季可能要讲两个故事了。在接受Variety 采访时他就戏称“当下脑子里两个都很不错的设想在‘争宠’,自己也在想哪个会更胜一筹。”


  In doing this, the show is also paying tribute to Hollywood history. The season is named Double Feature after a marketing gimmick movie theaters in the U.S. used to bring people in during the Great Depression and for the next few decades afterwards.

  当然了,拍两个故事的做法也是在致敬好莱坞历史。“Double Feature”(双面,双重放映)其实是美国大萧条时期美国影院的一种做法,并在接下来的几十年里亦如此。

  A double feature would see a theater offering two films for the price of one. Sometimes this would be a lower-budget "b" picture (which is where the phrase "B-movie" comes from) followed by a higher-budget "a" picture. Other times, it would be two genre movies together, be it sci-fi (which inspired the Rocky Horror song "Science Fiction Double Feature") or horror (which inspired American Horror Story Season 10).

  “双重放映”即用看一部的钱看两部电影(双片联映),通常以一部低成本B级片作为开幕,然后接着放相对高预算的A类电影。其他时候,也指两种截然不同类型的电影放在一起播,比如科幻(启发了《洛基恐怖秀》的歌曲《Science Fiction Double Feature》的诞生)或是恐怖(比如说,启发了美恐第十季的诞生)。




