


来源 :中华考试网 2020-10-02


  It was the driver's __ that casued him to stop on the gas instead of the brake after his car went over the curb.

  A. fraud

  B. alarm

  C. terror

  D. panic

  参考译文:D. panic

  解析:从这一句的语义来看,意思是“车压着了路边”的情况下,“由于什么样的原因造成司机踩油门而不是刹车”。从四个选项来看,应该是司机的一种心理状况引发了司机的这种行为。在ABCD四个选项中,表示心理状态了是后三个,alarm, terror和panic。不过,从与司机心理有关的,应该是terror和panic更为接近一些。alarm有”惊恐“的意思,不过,是对有可能发生的事而有恐惧感 ,即“Alarm is a feeling of fear or anxiety that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen.”这与车已经开上了路基的事实相违。 对于是选terror还是panic,要从这两个相近的词内涵来分析。Terror有“恐惧”和“恐慌”的意思,即“terror is very great fear"。例如,I shook with terror whenever I was about to fly in an aeroplane.每次坐飞机前,我都吓得直发抖。不过,这只是一种单纯的心理状态,而Panic不只有心理“惊慌”,还会导致人的身体的行为反应,即人在惊慌/惊恐的状态时,行为不受大脑指挥,或是失控,即“Panic is a very strong feeling of anxiety or fear, which makes you act without thinking carefully.”例如:I phoned the doctor in a panic, crying that I'd lost the baby. 我惊慌失措地给医生打电话,哭着说我的孩子没了。/You feel an animal panic to run and hide. 你会感到一种本能的恐惧而想要去逃避。


  Eric was ___ at being told he would have to wait two weeks for an appointment.

  A. integrated

  B. irreverent

  C. irresitable

  D. indignant

  参考译文:D. indignant

  解析:从语义层面来看,Eric的行为是由he was told that he have to wait two weeks for an appointment引发了。因此,他的这种情绪反应肯定不会很高兴,是生气的。这四个词里,indignant的意思是“愤怒的”。 you are indignant, you are shocked and angry, because you think that something is unjust or unfair. 例如: He is indignant at suggestions that they were secret agents.有人暗示他们可能是特务,这让他非常气愤。MPs were indignant that the government had not consulted them.政府没有事先征求他们的意见,下院议员们感到很愤怒。与indignant容易混淆的词是irreverant,而它的意思是 "不尊敬的;不恭的" ,即If you describe someone as irreverent, you mean that they do not show respect for people or things that are generally respected.


  Since Peter and John have decided to have a picnic with us, we have to get __ food for 20 people.

  A. proficient

  B. efficient

  C. sufficient

  D. deficient

  参考答案:C. sufficient

  解析:这四个选项有一定的迷惑性,即以尾韵-icient的方式造成选择上的误导。从句子意思上来看, 要出去野餐,还多了两个人,因此需要去采购供给20个人的食物。因此,缺失的词应该是表达“足够的食物”。从四个选项里来看,C. sufficient (food)是合适的。Sufficient的解释是:If something is sufficient for a particular purpose, there is enough of it for the purpose. 例如:Lighting levels should be sufficient for photography without flash.光照亮度应达到不开闪光灯便可以清楚拍照的程度。选项D. deficient 与选项C. 的意思相反,即If someone or something is deficient in a particular thing, they do not have the full amount of it that they need in order to function normally or work properly.例如: A diet deficient in vitamin D may cause the disease rickets. 缺少维生素D的饮食可能导致软骨病.


  ____ before, his first performance for the amanture dramatic group was a success.

  A. Though having never acted

  B. As he had never acted

  C. Despite he had never acted

  D. Inspite of his never having acted

  参考译文:C. Despite he had never acted

  解析:这一题考的语法结构是主从句的逻辑语义关系,即从句的主语与主句的主句一致的情况下,从语结构是会变成一个短语(如动名词短语); 在不一致的情况,该如何与主句的his first performance有关联性。首先,从四个选项来看,从句的意思与主句的意思是相对的,即“他之前没有表演经验,但表演很成功”。因此,不管是though, despite还是inspite of,都能表现这种转折的意思。不过,主句的语句是his first performance,因此,从句的逻辑语义要与he有关系,但很明显不可能是having never acted的逻辑主句,不会是his first performance have never acted。另外,可以排除是的inspite of his never acted,原因宾格不是动作acted的发出者,只能是his never acting。排除这三个选项后,最后的答案就是选项C了。选项C里用了过去完成时,与主句的过去时正好对应。


  It is only when you nearly lose someone __ fully conscious of how much you value him.

  A. do you become

  B. then you become

  C. that you become

  D. have you become

  参考答案:C. that you become

  解析:由于句里有only when,这一句用的是句型很容易让人每一选择是倒装句。不过,有it is起句,反而要从强调句型角度来选择。在这一句里,强调成份是时间状语when you nearly lose someone,且有副词only来强化这个时间点。 这句话的意思是“只有当你快要失去时,你才充分意识到他有多么重要。”


  Such a toy with musical sounds and animal noises will __ any young child.

  A. dismay

  B. astonish

  C. fascinate

  D. perplex

  参考答案:C. fascinate

  解析:从句子的意思角度来看,这个“玩具”有音乐,还有动物发出的声音,那孩子对此会有怎么的“反应”呢?这个反应就是四个选项中的一个。从句子所表达的情感来看,空格的词语应该是“正向”或“积极”的,因为孩子通常喜欢听音乐,并对小动物有一种本能的亲切感觉。在四个选项中,dismay和perplex则是偏负面,而astonish和fascinating则更为正面和积极。Fascinate的意思是“迷人的;让人着迷的;极有吸引力的”,即If you describe something as fascinating, you find it very interesting and attractive, and your thoughts tend to concentrate on it. 例如:Madagascar is the most fascinating place I have ever been to./马达加斯加是我去过的最迷人的地方。Her perceptions and intuitions about human nature were fascinating. /她对人性的理解和感知引人入胜。


  Often very annoying weeds, ___ and act as hosts to many insect pests.

  A. that crowd out less hardy plants than goldenrods

  B. crowding out less hardy plants by goldenrods

  C. the goldenrods crowding out of less hardy plants

  D. goldenrods crowd out less hardy plants.

  参考答案:D. goldenrods crowd out less hardy plants.

  解析:这一题在句法上有一定的迷惑性。不过,从同学们的回复来看,大多数人并没有受到影响。 句法上的迷惑性,在于Often副词引导的一个名词词组经常会让人以为这会是一个倒装句式的宾语。不过,它却是一个同位语前置而已。后面的句式还应该是正常的“主+谓+宾”的结构。






