


来源 :中华考试网 2020-09-30


  While driving along the treacherous road, __________.A. my right rear tire blown out B. I had my right rear tire blow out C. my right rear tire blows out D. I had a blowout on my right rear tire

  参考答案:B. I had my right rear tire blow out 。

  解析:这一题的重点是考查语法中的主语一致性,即在以动名词结构引导的分句里,其逻辑主语是要与主句的主语保持一致。在这一题里,driving的施动者必然要与主句的主语是同一个事物。从语义的层面来看,driving的施动者肯定是“人”即I,while I was driving along the treacherous road. 在主句里,I和 tire的关系又是什么呢?能说I blow out the right rear tire吗?如果是的话,blow out是“吹爆”?人肯定不能以已之力“吹爆”轮胎的。have一词有“使役动词”的作用,即让某些事或事物处于某种状态,或是造成某种状态的出现。在这一题里,I have the rear tire blown out 的意思指的就是“由于在崎岖不平的路上开车,车胎爆了。”


  He _____ by with his hands in his pockets. A. soothedB. saunteredC. smoothedD. saturated

  参考译文:B. sauntered

  解析:这一题单纯地考词汇量,四个选项相互之间没有任何意思上的相关性,也就没干扰。于是,只能准确的理解四个选项里的词的意思,才能正确的选择。不过,直接排队的词首先是C. smoothed(使平滑)和D. saturated(饱和),另外,A. soothed的动词原型是soothe,而不是sooth。其意思是“安慰;缓和;使平静;减轻痛苦”,即if you soothe someone who is angry or upset, you make them feel calmer. 例如:He would take her in his arm and soothe her. 选项B. sauntered 的意思是“漫步;闲逛”,即 If you saunter somewhere, you walk there in a slow, casual way. 例如:We catched our fellow students saunter in the builiding. 这一题的句子意思是:他手插在兜里,四处闲逛。


  _____ last year, the number of our students increased by 50 percent this year.

  a. As for

  b. As to

  C. As again

  D. As about

  参考答案:C. As again

  解析:我们先来了解几个与as有关于固定搭配。as for 的意思是“至于”,即:You use as for and as to at the beginning of a sentence in order to introduce a slightly different subject that is still connected to the previous one. 例句:I feel that there's a lot of pressure put on policemen. And as for putting guns in their hands, I don't think that's a very good idea at all. /我觉得给警员的压力太大了。至于让他们佩枪,我并不认为是一个明智之举。as to的意思是“关于”即You use as to to indicate what something refers to. 例句:They should make decisions as to whether the student needs more help./他们应该决定学生是否需要更多的帮助。不过,这似乎都与整个句子的意思不是很搭。从语义的层面来看,last year与this year是相对的,即表示 the number of our students的increased的数量是一样的。因此,as表示的是“与……一样”的意思,即You use as to say how something happens or is done, or to indicate that something happens or is done in the same way as something else. 因此,选择C. As again 更符合意思。


  After a slow sales start early in the year, mobile homes have been gaining favor as ___ to increasingly expensive conventional housing.

  A. reaction

  B. an addition

  C. an introduction

  D. an alternative

  参考答案:D. an alternative

  解析:题目里有两个相对词mobile home和conventional housing,而另一组词在内涵层面也是相应的,即slow sales和increasing expensive,因为从经济学的角度来说,销售低迷以及价格高昂都与市场需要有正向关系。当需求不足时,销售走低,而当价格高昂时,需求则会受到一定程度的抑制。因此,作为两个不同类型的房屋,市场需求会改变两者的销售趋势,于是有了相互“替代”的关系。






