来源 :中华考试网 2020-05-23
中成人中等职业技术教育 adult secondary vocational and technical education
成人中等专科学校 secondary specialized (technical) school for adults
橙色预警 orange alert (The National Meteorological Center issued an orange alert, saying snow and sleet will sweep across central, eastern and southern regions from Friday night through Saturday. 中央气象台发布暴雪橙色预警,预计周五晚到周六我国中部、东部、南部地区将有新一轮强降雪。)
城市规划 city's landscaping plan; urban planning
城市合作银行 urban cooperative bank
城市基础设施建设 the city's infrastructure construction
城市建设 urban construction
城市景观 townscape
城市经济学 urban economics
城市居民自治 self-governance by urban residents
城市居民最低生活保障 subsistence allowances for the urban poor
城市恐惧症 urbiphobia
城市垃圾 city refuse
城市绿地 urban open space; urban green land
城市绿化 urban landscaping
城市美容师 urban environmental worker
城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员的救助管理办法 Measures for Assisting Vagrants and Beggars with No Means of Support in Cities
城市运动会 municipal athletics meet
成事在天,谋事在人 The planning lies with man, the outcome with Heaven; Man proposes, God disposes
成套引进 package import
成为国际共识 become a consensus of the international community
乘务员 vehicular attendant; conductor
城乡低收入居民 low-income residents in both town and country
城乡电网改造 projects for upgrading urban and rural power grids
城乡特殊困难群众 urban and rural residents with special difficulties
成药 patent medicine
成药 patent medicine
城镇职工医疗保险制度改革 medical insurance for urban workers
城镇职工基本医疗保险制度 basic medical insurance system for urban working people
城镇住房公积金 urban housing provident fund
承办单位 organizer
承包 contract with
成份指数 component index
成吉思汗 Genghis Khan
成名歌曲 break-out song, break-out single
承前启后,继往开来 inherit the past and forge ahead into the future
成人高考 the national higher education exams for self-taught adults
成人用品店 adult shop
成人中等专科学校 secondary specialized /technical school for adults
城市低保对象 urban residents entitled to basic living allowances
城市固定资产投资 urban fixed-asset investment
城市规划 city's landscaping plan; urban planning
城市和国有企业厂办大集体 collectively owned factories operated by state-owned enterprises and cities
城市户口 permanent urban residence certificate
城市流浪乞讨人员 urban vagrants and beggars
城市中年雅皮士 muppie (一批中年专业人士,附庸风雅,矫揉造作cutesification,崇尚竟品至上boutiqueification,攀比银行存款bankification等摆阔作风,由middle-aged urban yuppie缩合而成)
城乡结合部 rural-urban fringe zone
城乡信用社 credit cooperatives in both urban and rural areas
承销商 underwriter
诚信企业 high-integrity enterprise; enterprise of integrity
成组技术 group technology
车牌号 license plate number
车险 auto insurance
吃饱穿暖 eat their fill and dress warmly; have enough to eat and wear; have adequate food and clothing
持币待购 wait to buy with cash in hand
赤潮 red tide (which appear on the ocean)
吃饭财政 payroll finance; mouth-feeding budget-----a large proportion of the budget has been earmarked for paying salaries of government functionaries
吃干醋 be jealous ; be green with envy
吃皇粮 receive salaries, subsidies, or other supported from the government
吃劳保 live on labor insurance allowance
吃老本 live on one's own fat; bask in one's past glory; rest on one's laurels, eat on one's own principals, live off one's past gains or achievements
痴迷者 addict
吃偏饭 enjoy special privilege
赤贫人口 people living in absolute poverty; destitute population
持平 hold the line
吃闲饭 stay idle
吃香 be very popular; be most welcome; be in great demand
吃小亏占大便宜 lose a little but gain much; take small losses for the sake of big gains
持续、稳定、协调发展 sustained, stable and coordinated development
吃大锅饭 "egalitarian practice of ""everybody eating from the same big pot"" "
吃豆腐 take advantage of
充电 recharge one's batteries; update one's knowledge; brush up (on)
充电电池 rechargeable batteries
冲动性购买 impulse buying; impulse shopping
充分调动积极性和创造性 give full play to the initiative and creativity
充分利用两个市场,两种资源 fully utilize both domestic and international markets and resources
重复建设 redundant project; duplication of similar projects
重复生产 duplication of production
重复引进 introduction of redundant technical facilities; importation of redundant technical facilities
冲剂 dissolved medicines; instant herbal medicines
冲击波(电脑病毒) Blaster
冲浪艇 surfboat
宠物医院 pet clinic
宠物专线 pets-only airline (Pet Airways, an American-based airline, plans to begin service on July 14 as the country's first pets-only airline.美国第一家只服务"宠物旅客"的航空公司——宠物航空公司计划于7月14日开始运营。)
冲销账目 write off accounts
崇洋媚外 worship things foreign and fawn on foreign countries
冲账 strike a balance; counter-balance accounts; reverse an entry
充值卡 rechargeable card
充值卡 prepaid phone card
筹备委员会 preparatory committee
抽调 transfer a portion
筹划指导委员会 steering committee
抽检 spot check
抽奖 lucky draw
臭老九 stinking ninth category (of class enemies next to landlords, reactionaries and even spies, etc. , a term of abuse by ultra-Leftists for teachers and other educated people in the 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution)
抽杀成功 hit through
抽样调查 sample survey
筹资 raised capital/proceeds
筹资渠道 fundraising channels
储备基金 reserve funds
储币待购 save for purchases
初步候选人 preliminary candidate
除草剂 weed killer