


来源 :中华考试网 2019-11-26


  Access to full human rights for all is a great/grand dream of human societies. Since the start of modern times, people in developing countries have strived for national liberation and independence, freedom and equality, dignity and happiness, peace and development. By so doing they have made significant contributions to human rights across the world.

  Guided by its people-centered approaches to development, the Chinese government places the interests of the Chinese people above anything else and works to meet their desire for a better life by strengthening respect for and the security of basic rights. The 19th National Congress of the CPC has developed a blueprint for China’s development,which will surely boost human rights in the country and contribute more to human progress.

  Progress in global human rights depends on the concerted efforts of all developing countries which account for more than 80 percent of the global population. Human rights must and can only be promoted in light of the national realities and people’s needs of each country. In line with the universality and particularity of human rights, developing countries should enhance the protection and security of human rights. And in the spirit of fairness, equity, openness and inclusiveness, the international community should respect and reflect the will of people in developing countries. The Chinese people stands ready to work together with other developing countries and beyond to promote development through cooperation, promote human rights through development, and build a community of shared future for mankind.

