


来源 :中华考试网 2018-05-19


  English to Chinese Interpreting

  In Greenland, Ice and Instability The ancient frozen dome cloaking Greenland is so vast that pilots have crashed into what they thought was a cloud bank spanning the horizon. Flying over it, you can scarcely imagine that it could erode fast enough to dangerously raise sea levels any time soon.

  Along the flanks in spring and summer, however, the picture is very different. For an increasing number of warm years, a network of blue lakes and rivulets of melt-water has been spreading ever higher on the icecap.

  The melting surface darkens, absorbing up to four times as much energy from the sun as snow, which reflects sunlight. Natural drainpipes called moulins carry water from the surface into the depths, in some places reaching bedrock.

  The process slightly, but measurably, lubricates and accelerates the grinding passage of ice towards the sea.

  Most important, many glaciologists say, is the break-up of huge semi-submerged clots of ice where some large Greenland glaciers, particularly along the west coast, squeeze through fiords as they meet the warming ocean. As these passages have cleared, this has sharply accelerated the flow of many of these creeping, corrugated and frozen rivers.

  Some glaciologists fear that the rise in seas in a warming world could be much greater than the upper estimate of about 60 centimeters this century made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change last year. (Seas rose less than 30 centimeters last century.) The panel's assessment did not include factors known to contribute to ice flows but not understood well enough to estimate with confidence. SCIENTIFIC scramble is under way to clarify whether the erosion of the world's most vulnerable ice sheets, in Greenland and west Antarctica, can continue to accelerate. The effort involves field and satellite analyses and sifting for clues from past warm periods,

  Things are definitely far more serious than anyone would have thought five years ago.





  在格陵兰岛的一些大型冰川特别是西海岸的冰川在进入逐渐变暖的海洋前勉强穿过峡湾,这时一些大型的半潜入水中的巨大冰体会断裂开来,许多冰川学家认为这是最重要的一环。当冰川通过峡湾后,这些缓慢流动、泛着波纹的融冰河流动速度将大大加快。去年联合国政府间气候变化专家小组曾预测,本世纪海平面升幅上限为约 60 厘米,但是,一些冰川学家担心,随着全球变暖不断加剧,海平面升幅可能会远远高于上述预测。(上世纪,海平面上升幅度不到 30 厘米。)


  Chinese to English Interpreting




  Peace and stability form the prerequisite and foundation for development. The two world wars in the last century caused mankind untold sufferings and world economic and social development severe setbacks. It is mainly due to the relatively peaceful and stable international environment that the world economy has been able to grow at a fast pace in the post-war era. We should abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and bring into full play the central role of the United Nations and its Security Council in peace keeping,peace making and peace building. We should seek peaceful settlement of international disputes through dialogue and consultation.

  All countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community. We should work for common security in a spirit of democracy, inclusiveness, cooperation and win-win progress. Internal affairs of a country should be handled independently by the country itself and international affairs should be managed collectively through consultation by all. We should be committed to multilateralism and international cooperation, and promote democracy in international relations. We should foster an international environment that supports efforts of countries to achieve peace, stability and prosperity in the light of their national circumstances. We should respect the sovereignty of all countries and their right to choose their development paths and models in keeping with the principle of seeking common ground while shelving differences. And we should respect the diversity of civilizations and pursue common progress through mutual learning and drawing on each other's strength.

