


来源 :中华考试网 2016-04-09

  第8题 What was the first professional baseball team called?

  A New York Knickerbockers. B Milwaukee Braves. C Cincinnati Red Stockings. D Brooklyn Dodgers.


  【答案解析】 [分析] 细节题型。 见文章第二段:Alexander Cartwright 在 1845 年成立了纽约市 Knickerbocker 棒球俱乐部,出台了标准的比赛规则,所以选项 A 正确。 第9题 Who first gave baseball a standard set of rules'? A Abner Doubleday. B Alexander Cartwfight. C Albert Spalding. D Babe Ruth. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0 分 【答案解析】 [分析] 细节题型。 见上题解释,正确选项为 B。

  第 10 题

  Which of the following was NOT a predecessor of baseball?

  A Rounders. B Town ball. C Cricket. D One old cat.


  【答案解析】 [分析] 是非题型。 见文章第一段倒数第二句 At first the American game had different rules and different names in various parts of the country — "town ball", "rounders", or "one old cat".

  第 11 题

  The tone of the passage is ______. A persuasive B informative C biased D argumentative


  【答案解析】 [分析] 态度题型。 阅读全文发现,本文既没有就某一观点展开劝说或论证,也没有发表带有个 人偏见的主观看法;只是客观地讲述了棒球运动的起源及发展。因此选项 A,C、 D 均不对,选项 B 正确。

  第 12 题 The passage implies that until 1869, baseball was played for all of the following reasons EXCEPT ______.

  A exercise B leisure C profit D socializing


  【答案解析】 [分析] 推断题型。 见文章最后一句 The Cincinnati Red Stockings 在 1869 年开始付球员工资, 因此棒球运动自此除了能起到锻炼、休闲和社交作用外还有收益。所以在 1869 年前棒球运动只起到锻炼、休闲和社交作用,选项 C 正确。

  第 13 题

  The blue of the sea is caused by the scattering of sunlight by tiny particles suspended in the water. Blue light, being of short wavelength, is scattered more efficiently than light of longer wavelengths. Although waters of the open ocean are commonly some shade of blue, green water is commonly seen near coasts, especially in tropical or subtropical regions. This is caused by yellow pigments being mixed with blue water. Phytoplankton are one source of the yellow pigment. Other microscopic plants may color the water brown or brownish-red. Near the shore, silt or sediment in suspension can give water a brownish hue. Outflow of large rivers can often be observed many miles offshore by the coloration of suspended soil particles. Marine phytoplankton (Greek for "plant wanderers") are microscopic single-celled plants that include diatoms, dinoflagellates, coccolithophorids, green algae, and blue-green algae, among others. The growth of these organisms, which photosynthesize light, depends on a delicate balance of nutrient enrichment via vertical mixing, which is often limited by the availability of nitrogen and light. Diatoms are one-celled plants with patterned glass coverings. Each glass, or silicon dioxide box, is ornamented with species-specific designs, pits, and perforations making them popular with microscopists and, more recently, electron scanning microscopists. Green water near coastlines is almost always caused by ______.

  A sand color B red pigments in coastal waters C blue pigment D reflected light and yellow pigment from plant life


  【答案解析】 [分析] 细节题型。 见文章第一句:The blue of the sea is caused by the scattering of sunlight by tiny particles suspended in the water.蓝色的海水是由于阳 光对悬浮于水中的微粒造成散射形成的。第四、五句:This is caused by yellow pigments being mixed with blue water. Phytoplankton are one source of the yellow pigment.海水呈绿色是由于蓝色的海水和呈现黄色的浮游生物混合形成 的。所以选项 D 正确。

  第 14 题

  Phytoplankton are the source of which color pigment?

  A Red. B Green. C Yellow. D Blue.


  【答案解析】 [分析] 细节题型。 见文章第一段第五句,选项 C 正确。

  第 15 题

  What can give waters a brownish hue near the shore? A Sediment. B Phytoplankton. C Blue pigment. D Diatoms.


