


来源 :中华考试网 2019-04-20


  户口 registered permanent residence

  民生 people’s wellbeing

  团购 group buying

  乡长 township head

  城管 urban management officers

  恶搞 video spoof

  房奴 mortgage slave

  黑车 unlicensed cab

  毕婚族 marry-upon-graduation

  安家费 ettling-in allowance

  代排族 hired queuers

  短租房short-term housing/accommodation

  二手房pre-owned house; second-hand house

  封口费 hush money

  个体户 the self-employed

  公务车state-financed vehicle

  公务员 civil/public servant

  假文凭fake diplomas

  开瓶费corkage fee

  两限房 house of two limits; house with limited price and habitable area

  廉租房 low-rent housing

  农民工 migrant worker

  农业税 agricultural tax

  泡网吧hit the Internet bar

  双休日two-day weekend

  双职工 working couple

  群租客 tenant groups

  入住率 occupancy rate

  潜规则 casting couch

  闪跳族 habitual job hopper

  筒子楼 tube-shaped apartment building

  学区房 school-nearby house

  暂住证 temporary residence permit

  安居工程 Comfortable/Affordable Housing Project

  城市补丁run-down neighborhoods

  低保制度 subsistence security system

  恶性循环vicious circle

  法治政府law-based government

  (非法)传销 pyramid schemes; multi-level marketing

  非法收入 illegal earnings; illicit income

  福利彩票 welfare lottery

  改革攻坚further reform in difficult areas; tackle hard issues in the reform

  改革试点 pilot reform program

  公共参与 public/communal participation

  和谐社会 harmonious society

  黑恶势力 Mafia-like gangs

  基层社区 grassroots community

  减员增效downsize the staff to improve efficiency

  空巢家庭 empty-nest/childless family

  就业指导 employment guidance

  面子工程 vanity/image project

  民族团结 ethnic unity

  南水北调 South-to-North water diversion

  贫富差距 disparity in wealth distribution

  贫困人口 impoverished people

  权力下放 shift of power to the grassroots; delegate power to the lower levels

  社会结构social structure

  市政工程 municipal/public works

  数字鸿沟 digital divide

  天灾人祸 natural calamities and man-made misfortunes

  同城待遇 identical treatment

  无偿献血unpaid blood donation

  五好家庭 Five-Virtues Family

  下岗职工 unemployed workers and staff; laid-off employees

  乡镇企业 township enterprises

  学生减负 reduce students’ study load

  严打斗争 strike-hard operation/campaign to crack down crimes

  总体规划 overall plan

  引进人才 bring in needed personnel

  优抚安置 provide special assistance to entitled groups

  创新型国家 innovation-oriented nation

  低收入家庭low-income household/family

  服务型政府 service-oriented government

  高层次人才high-caliber personnel

  高技能人才highly skilled personnel

  公用互联网 public Internet

  固定电话网fixed-line telephone network

  简易过渡房 makeshift shelter

  经济适用房 affordable housing

  开放型经济an open economy

  科学发展观 scientific outlook on development

  人口功能区functional population zone

  三八红旗手 March 8 Red Flag Bearer

  下基层锻炼 temper oneself in a grassroots unit

