


来源 :中华考试网 2018-06-15


  Environment-friendly agriculture; eco-agriculture 生态农业

  Agricultural ecology 农业生态学

  Agricultural reclamation 农垦

  Acidification of land 土地酸化

  Desertification of land; desert encroachment 土地沙化

  Chemical fertilizer 化肥

  Bring the land under irrigation 水利化(使农田得到灌溉)

  Drain flooded low-lying land(s) 给受淹的低洼地排水

  High –yielding seed 高产种子

  Plough/sow/weed the field 犁地/给大田播种/田间除草

  Tractor/horse cart / ox cart 拖拉机/马车/牛车

  Shoulder pole/spade/sickle/pitchfork/plough 扁担/铲/镰刀/干草叉/犁

  High-yielding/low –yielding crops 高产/地产作物

  Disease-resistant crop 抗病作物

  Early/late ripening crop 早/晚熟作物

  Grain crop/oil-bearing crop 粮食作物/油料作物

  Grow wheat/cotton/peanuts/sugar-cane(s) 种小麦/棉花/花生/甘蔗

  Carrot/radish/cucumber 胡萝卜/萝卜/黄瓜

  Potato/sweet potato/tomato 土豆/红薯,白薯,山芋/西红柿

  Cabbage/Chinese cabbage/greens 卷心菜/大白菜/青菜

  Cauliflower/spinach/eggplant 菜花,花椰菜/菠菜/茄子

  Onion/pepper/ginger 洋葱/辣椒/生姜

  String bean/soybean/broad bean /pea 豇豆/大豆,黄豆,毛豆/蚕豆/豌豆

  Mushroom 蘑菇

  Fell/cut trees 砍树,伐木

  Animal husbandry/livestock raising 牧业,饲养业

  Herd/the cattle /beef cattle 牛群/牛的总称/肉用牛,菜牛

  Ox/cow/milk a cow 公牛/母牛/给母牛挤奶

  Goat/he-goat/she-goat/kid 山羊/公山羊/母山羊/小山羊

  A sheep /many sheep 一头绵羊/许多绵羊

  Vet/animal doctor 兽医

  Agricultural sideline occupations/farm sidelined 农村副业

