


来源 :中华考试网 2018-01-03

  裸奔 streaking (A recent Internet post publiciz ing 2 male students celebrating their graduation by streaking naked across campus at Fudan University in Shanghai has aroused heated online debate. 近日,复旦大学的两名毕业生为纪念毕业,在毕业前一晚的午夜时分在校内裸奔并拍照留念,成为网络热议事件。)

  落地签证 visa upon arrival (A new policy allowing overseas tourists traveling in a group to get visas upon arrival in East China's Zhejiang province may great ly boost local tourism, local authorities said on Sunday. 当地政府周日表示,将推出新政策允许前往浙江省的外国旅游团取得落地签证,此举将极大推动当地旅游业的发展。)

  裸官 naked official (The Communist Party of China (CPC) has released new restrictions governing "naked officials", or those whose family members have all gone abroad. 中共中央发布了针对家属都已移居国外的官员,即“裸官”,的管理规定。)

  裸官 naked official (The Communist Party of China (CPC) has released new restrictions governing "naked officials", or those whose family members have all gone abroad. 中共中央发布了针对家属都已移居国外的官员,即“裸官”,的管理规定。)

  裸婚 naked wedding (I was a little dismayed when I heard the word "naked wedding" on a news broadcast the other day, but then understood it was definitely not anything obscene. 当我前几天在新闻广播节目上听到“裸婚”一词时,我有点不快,但很快就意识到这个词和淫秽没有关系。)

  裸机 bare mobile phone

  裸 体 挂 历 nude calendar.( S ix members of Rylstone and District Women's Institute in the UK posed for a nude calendar for helping leukemia patients.英国瑞尔斯通妇女研究所的 6 个成员拍摄了她们的裸体挂历,来帮助白血病患者筹款。)

  裸照 nude photo (French first lady Carla Bruni told Vanity Fair magazine that her husband was not upset when he learned of all the nude photos she did during her modeling days. 日前,法国第一夫人布吕尼在接受美国《名利场》杂志采访时透露,科齐得知她当模特时拍裸照后,并不介意,也不生气。)

  录取分数线 entry score

  绿地覆盖率 forest coverage rate

  绿化 afforestation

  绿化运动 afforestation drive

  绿卡 green card

  旅客列车票价 price of passenger train tickets

  绿 色 奥 运 , 科 技 奥 运 ,人 文 奥 运 Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics, People's Olympics

  绿色产品 green product

  绿色电脑 green computer

  绿色急救通道 emergency green path

  绿色科技 green science annd technology

  绿色能源 green energy resource

  绿色农业 green agriculture

  绿色企业 green enterprise

  绿色食品 green food

