来源 :中华考试网 2017-12-28
中检察官 public procurator
检察机关 procuratorial organ
检察长 chief procurator
坚 持 不 懈 地 进 行 “扫 黄 打 非 ”斗 争 fight unremittingly against pornographic and
illegal publicat ions
坚持对话,不搞对抗 persist in dialogue, refrain from confrontation
坚持解放思想、实事求是的思想路线 ,弘扬与时俱进的精神 adhere to the ideological
guideline of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and upholds the
spirit of advancing with time.
坚持统一,反对分裂,增加了解,化解歧见 persist in reunificat ion, oppose separation,
increase understanding and iron out differences
剪刀差 price scissors; scissors movement of price
监督部门 watchdog
尖端产品 highly sophisticated products
尖端课题 frontline subject
减肥茶 diet tea
减肥训练 营 weight loss camp (250 traffic police offers in Bangkok, Thailand,have entered a weight loss camp to burn the fat in their plump body from June 30. 泰国曼谷市 250 名体重超标的交通警察 6 月 30 日开始参加"交警减肥营"。)
减肥药 s limming drug; weight-loss drug (Fifteen weight-loss products containing the drug sibutramine have been recalled across the country over concern that the diet pills could lead to an increased risk of heart disease. 因担心会增加心血管病的风险,15 种含有西布曲明的减肥产品已经在全国范围内被召回。)
减负 alleviate burdens on somebody
监管漏洞 supervision loopholes (Hao's case reflected supervision loopholes in the country's coal sector. 郝(鹏俊)的案子反映出国家煤炭领域的监管漏洞。)
监护权 custodial right
舰舰导弹 ship-to-ship missile
间接选举 indirect elect ion
渐进式台独 gradual Taiwan independence
渐近尾声 draw to a close
检举箱 accusation letter box
教书育人 impart knowledge and educate people