


来源 :中华考试网 2017-12-26

  拐点 turning point (Since financial markets have been stable during the past 6 weeks, and economic growth is unlikely to fall further than the 4th quarter, the first half of this year could well be the turning point. 由于在过去 6 周内金融市场走势平稳,经济增长不太可能继去年第 4 季度后继续下滑,今年上半年市场将出现拐点。)

  关闭效应 blackout effect

  观潮派 those who take a wait-and-see attitude; fence-straddler

  官方网站 official website

  观光电梯 sightseeing (tourist) lift

  关 键 词 过滤 keyword infiltration (The provincial official also stressed that the operation of its screen system is based on keyword infiltration and not all text message s are actually checked. 广东省官员还强调称,短信过滤系统采取的是关键词过滤的办法 ,而不是对公民的每条短信都去查看。)

  关联交易 connected transaction

  关 贸 总 协 定 GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)

  关门态度 closed-door attitude

  官商 state-operated commerce

  关税壁垒 customs barrier; tariff wall

  关税配额 tariff quota

  关 停 并转 close down, suspend operation, merge with others or shift to different line of production; rationalize

  观望态度 wait-and-see attitude

  关系网 connection network; relationship network

  冠状病毒 corona virus

  广播电视大学 radio and televis ion university

  光碟,光盘 compact disk; CD

  广而告之 publicize widely

  广告词 jingle

  广告代理行 advertising agent

