


来源 :中华考试网 2017-12-08

  财务焦虑 financial worries ( The guide is meant to help people identify any

  serious health concerns related to financial worries and develop coping skills. 该指南旨在帮助问题人群发现由财务焦虑引起的严重健康问题,并提供应对技能。)

  裁员 job cut (The latest job cut, which aims to further reduce the company's

  costs by enhancing efficiency and help maintain its competitive edges amid the

  global economic s lowdown, will be completed by the end of March, said Lenovo.联想集团 25 日宣布,将在其位于中国的全球职能部门中削减 450 个岗位。联想称,此次裁员目的是在全球经济放缓的环境下,进一步提升整体运作效率,并保持公司竞争力。裁员将于 3 月底完成。)

  财政包干 fiscal responsibility system

  财政赤字 financial deficit

  财政纪律 financial and economic discipline

  财政年度 fiscal year

  财政收入 fiscal revenue

  财政税收 revenue tax;fiscal levy;fiscal taxation;financial taxation

  财政、信贷双紧方针 policy of tightening control over expenditure and credit

  才子佳人 gifted scholars and beautiful ladies

  财产性收入 property income

  踩高跷 Stilt walk(手机)

  彩铃 polyphonic ringtone

  采煤沉陷区 sinkholes in coal mining areas

  彩排 dress rehearsal

  彩票;刮刮卡 scratchcard

  彩屏 color screen

  财团 consortium (Manchester City are likely to cancel the contracts of their trio

