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最近网站改版正好发现原来的分页不带数字的,只有首页 上页 下页 末页 然后是select的跳转,都是以前比较流行的,而现在比较流行的是数字分页在中间,正好研究并分享下,需要的朋友可以参考下



复制代码 代码如下:

 'digg style pagination script in asp.. written by Moazam... http://www.moazam.com/2007/03/30/asp-digg-style-pagination-script/

 function getPaginationString(page, totalitems, limit, adjacents, targetpage) 
  if not isnumeric(adjacents) then adjacents = 1 end if
  if not isnumeric(limit) then  limit = 15 end if
  if not isnumeric(page) then page = 1 end if
  if targetpage = "" then targetpage = "/" end if
  margin = ""
  'other vars
  prev = page - 1         'previous page is page - 1
  nextPage = page + 1         'nextPage page is page + 1
  lastpage = Ceil(totalitems , limit)    'lastpage is = total items / items per page, rounded up.
  lpm1 = lastpage - 1        'last page minus 1
  ' Now we apply our rules and draw the pagination object.
  ' We're actually saving the code to a variable in case we want to draw it more than once.

  pagination = ""
  if lastpage > 1 then

   pagination = pagination & "
   if margin <> "" OR padding <> "" then
    pagination = pagination &  ""
    if margin <> "" then
     pagination = pagination &  "margin: margin"
    end if
    if padding <> "" then
     pagination = pagination &  "padding: padding"
    end if
    pagination = pagination &  """"
   end if
   pagination = pagination &  ">"

   'previous button
   if page > 1 then
    pagination = pagination &  "Prev"
    pagination = pagination &  "Prev
   end if
   if lastpage < 7 + (adjacents * 2) then 'not enough pages to bother breaking it up

    for counter = 1 to lastpage

     if counter = page then
      pagination = pagination &  ""&counter&""
      pagination = pagination &  ""&counter&""
     end if
   elseif lastpage >= 7 + (adjacents * 2) then 'enough pages to hide some
    'close to beginning only hide later pages
    if page < 1 + (adjacents * 3) then 
     for counter = 1 to (4 + (adjacents * 2))-1
      if counter = page then
       pagination = pagination &  ""&counter&""
       pagination = pagination &  ""&counter&""
      end if   
     pagination = pagination &  "..."
     pagination = pagination &  ""&lpm1&""
     pagination = pagination &  ""&lastpage&""  
    'in middle hide some front and some back
    elseif lastpage - (adjacents * 2) > page AND page > (adjacents * 2) then
     pagination = pagination &  "1"
     pagination = pagination &  "2"
     pagination = pagination &  "..."
     for counter = (page - adjacents) to (page + adjacents)
      if counter = page then
       pagination = pagination &  ""&counter&""
       pagination = pagination &  ""&counter&""
      end if
     pagination = pagination &  "..."
     pagination = pagination &  ""&lpm1&""
     pagination = pagination &  ""&lastpage&""  
    'close to end only hide early pages
     pagination = pagination &  "1"
     pagination = pagination &  "2"
     pagination = pagination &  "..."
     for counter = (lastpage - (1 + (adjacents * 3))) To lastpage
      if counter = page then
       pagination = pagination &  ""&counter&""
       pagination = pagination &  ""&counter&""
      end if
    end if
   end if
   'nextPage button
   if page < counter - 1 then
    pagination = pagination &  "Next"
    pagination = pagination &  "Next"
   end if
   pagination = pagination &  "

" & vbnewline
  end if
  getPaginationString = pagination
 end function
 function Ceil( dividend, divider)
  if (dividend mod divider) = 0 Then
   Ceil = dividend / divider
   Ceil = Int(dividend / divider) + 1
  End if
    End function
 'test script code
 page = 1
 if request("page") <> "" then
 end if
 ps = getPaginationString(page, 1500, 15, 2, "pagination.asp?foo=bar")



