<?php class access { /** * 声明存储查询结果ID的数组,数据库连接ID,存储分页信息的数组,缓存数据读取偏移量 */ public $resultId, $linkId, $pageMsg, $offset; /** * 声明显示错误消息的页面地址 */ public $errPage = ''; /** * 声明数据库路径,此路径需为绝对路径 */ public $dbPath = ''; /** * 缓存存储路径 */ public $cachePath = ''; /** * 缓存声明周期,设为0则不适用缓存 */ public $cacheLifeTime = 3600; /** * 当使用分页查询时,最多缓存多少页 */ public $cacheLimitMax = 100; /** * 建立数据库连接 * * 说明: * 此数据库类无构造函数,在声明新类之后,需手动运行此函数 */ public function connect() { $dsn = 'DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ='.$this->dbPath; $this->linkId = odbc_connect($dsn,'','',SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC); $this->linkId || $this->setError('Connect database defeat!'); } /** * 执行一条SQL语句 * * 参数: * $sql 要执行的SQL语句 * $resultId 查询结果的ID,当执行一条不需返回的SQL语句,如删除,更新等时,该参数可省略 */ public function query($sql ,$resultId = '__id__') { $this->resultId[$resultId] = odbc_exec($this->linkId,$sql); $this->resultId[$resultId] || $this->setError('Carries out the SQL defeat!'); } /** * 从查询结果集中读取一条记录,并返回为数组 * * 参数: * $resultId 查询结果的ID */ public function record($resultId) { if (is_array($this->resultId[$resultId])) { $offset = $this->offset[$resultId]; $this->offset[$resultId]++; return $this->resultId[$resultId][$offset]; } return odbc_fetch_array($this->resultId[$resultId]); } /** * 从查询结果集中读取一条记录,并注册为类的属性,属性名为字段名 * * 参数: * $resultId 查询结果ID */ public function recordObj($resultId) { if (is_array($this->resultId[$resultId])) { $rowArray = $this->resultId[$resultId][$this->offset[$resultId]]; $this->offset[$resultId]++; } else { $rowArray = $this->record($resultId); } for (reset($rowArray);$key = key($rowArray);next($rowArray)) $this->$key = $rowArray[$key]; } /** * 获取一个查询结果集的记录数 * * 参数: * $resultId 查询结果ID */ public function rowsNum($resultId) { return odbc_num_rows($this->resultId[$resultId]); } /** * 获取表中符合条件的记录总数 * * 参数: * $table 表明 * $primary 主键,提供一个主键时可提高性能 * $condition 查询条件,留空时将返回表中的记录总数 */ public function rowsTotal($table, $primary = '*', $condition = '') { $sql = 'select ('.$primary.') from '.$table.($condition ? ' where '.$condition : ''); $rowsTotal = odbc_result(odbc_exec($this->linkId,$sql),1); $rowsTotal >= 0 || $this->setError('Gains the record total defeat!'); return (int)$rowsTotal; } /** * 释放一个查询结果 * * 参数: * $resultId 查询结果ID */ public function resultFree($resultId) { odbc_free_result($this->resultId[$resultId]) || $this->setError('Release result defeat!'); } /** * 释放所有查询结果 */ public function allResultFree() { for (reset($this->resultId);$key = key($this->resultId);next($this->resultId)) '__id__' == $key || $this->resultFree($key); } /** * 释放所有查询结果并关闭数据库连接 */ public function close() { $this->allResultFree(); odbc_close($this->linkId); } /** * 数据库查询 * * 参数: * $resultId 查询结果ID * $table 所要查询的数据表 * $fields 需要返回的字段,省略时将返回所有字段 * $condition 查询条件,省略时,将返回表中的所有记录 */ public function select($resultId, $table, $fields = '*', $condition = '') { if ($this->cacheLifeTime) { $cachePath = $this->cachePath.$table.md5($fields.$condition).'.php'; if (time() - @filemtime($cachePath) < $this->cacheLifeTime) { include $cachePath; $this->resultId[$resultId] = $dataCache; $this->offset[$resultId] = 0; return; } else { $writeCache = true; } } $condition && $condition = 'order ' == substr($condition,0,6) ? $condition : ' where '.$condition; $this->query('select '.$fields.' from '.$table.$condition,$resultId); $writeCache && $this->writeCache($cachePath,$resultId); } /** * 插入记录 * * 参数: * $table 表明 * $rowArray 二维数组,索引为字段名 */ public function insert($table,$rowArray) { $fields = $values = ''; for (reset($rowArray); $key = key($rowArray);next($rowArray)) { $fields .= ','.$key; $values .= ',\''.$rowArray[$key].'\''; } $this->query('insert into '.$table.'('.substr($fields,1).') values('.substr($values,1).')'); } /** * 更新一条记录 * * 参数: * $table 表名 * $rowArray 二维数组,索引为字段名 * $condition 更新条件 */ public function update($table,$rowArray,$condition) { $fields = ''; for (reset($rowArray);$key = key($rowArray);next($rowArray)) $fields .= ','.$key.'=\''.$rowArray[$key].'\''; $this->query('update '.$table.' set '.substr($fields,1).' where '.$condition); } /** * 删除记录 * * 参数: * $table 表明 * $condition 删除条件,当省略时,删除表中的所有记录 */ public function delete($table,$condition = '') { $this->query('delete from '.$table.($condition ? ' where '.$condition : '')); } /** * 输出数据列表 * * 参数: * $resultId 查询结果ID * $rowHtml 列表的行HTML代码 * $everyOther 每隔几行插入$insertHtml * $insertHtml 需要插入的HTML * * $rowHtml的编写规则: * <td>{$name}</td><td>{date('Y-m-d',strtotime($addtime))}</td> * 需要输出的字段或用来格式化字段的函数需用{和}包括 * 变量名使用字段名 */ public function displayList($resultId,$rowHtml,$everyOther = '',$insertHtml = '') { $rowHtml = preg_replace('/\$([A-Za-z0-9_]+)/','$rowArray[\'\\1\']',$rowHtml); $rowHtml = 'echo \''.str_replace(array('{','}'),array('\',',',\''),$rowHtml).'\''; $i = 1; while ($rowArray = $this->record($resultId)) { eval($rowHtml); if ($everyOther == $i) { echo $insertHtml; $i = 1; } $i = $i + 1; } } /** * 分页查询函数 * * 参数: * $resultId 查询结果ID * $table 所要查询的数据表名 * $fields 需要返回的字段 * $primary 用来排序的字段 * $page 查询第几页 * $pageSize 每页记录数 * $condition 查询条件,默认为空 * $order 排序方式,0为正序,1为倒序,默认为1 * * 说明: * 此函数会将与分页相关的信息存储于$this->pageMsg[$resultId]中 * 这是一个一维数组,具有5个值,分别为:记录总数,总页数,当前页记录数,当前第几页,每页多少条记录 * 可利用这些信息编写自己的分页样式,不需另外计算 */ public function limit($resultId,$table,$fields,$primary,$page,$pageSize,$condition = '',$order = 1) { isset($this->pageMsg[$resultId][0]) || $this->pageMsg[$resultId][0] = $this->rowsTotal($table,$primary,$condition); $this->pageMsg[$resultId][1] = ceil($this->pageMsg[$resultId][0]/$pageSize); $page > $this->pageMsg[$resultId][1] && $page = $this->pageMsg[$resultId][1]; $this->pageMsg[$resultId][2] = $page == $this->pageMsg[$resultId][1] ? ($this->pageMsg[$resultId][0]-($page-1)*$pageSize) : $pageSize; $this->pageMsg[$resultId][3] = $page; $this->pageMsg[$resultId][4] = $pageSize; if ($this->cacheLifeTime && $page <= $this->cacheLimitMax) { $cachePath = $this->cachePath.$table.'_'.$page.'.php'; if (time() - @filemtime($cachePath) < $this->cacheLifeTime) { include $cachePath; $this->resultId[$resultId] = $dataCache; $this->offset[$resultId] = 0; return; } else $writeCache = true; } if ($order) { $mark = '<'; $min = 'min'; $order = ' order by '.$primary.' desc'; } else { $mark = '>'; $min = 'max'; $order = ''; } $sql = 'select top '.$this->pageMsg[$resultId][2].' '.$fields.' from '.$table; if (1 == $page) { $sql .= ($condition ? ' where '.$condition : '').$order; } else { $sql .= ' where '.$primary.$mark.'(select '.$min.'('.$primary.') from (select top '.($page-1)*$pageSize; $sql .= ' '.$primary.' from '.$table.$order.')) '.($condition ? 'and '.$condition : '').$order; } $this->query($sql,$resultId); $writeCache && $this->writeCache($cachePath,$resultId); } public function displayLimit($resultId,$linkHtml,$style = 2,$recordName = '条记录') { if (2 == $style) { echo '共 <strong>',$this->pageMsg[$resultId][0],'</strong> ',$recordName,' '; } echo '<a href=',str_replace('*','1',$linkHtml),'>首页</a> '; if (1 == $this->pageMsg[$resultId][3]) { echo '上一页 '; } else { echo '<a href=',strtr('*',$this->pageMsg[$resultId][3]-1,$linkHtml),'>上一页</a> '; } if ($this->pageMsg[$resultId][3] == $this->pageMsg[$resultId][1]) { echo '下一页'; } else { echo '<a href=',strtr('*',$this->pageMsg[$resultId][3]+1,$linkHtml),'>下一页</a>'; } echo ' <a href=',strtr('*',$this->pageMsg[$resultId][1],$linkHtml); echo '>尾页</a> 页次:<strong><font color=#ff0000>'; echo $this->pageMsg[$resultId][3],'</font>/',$this->pageMsg[$resultId][1],'</strong>页'; if (2 == $style) { echo ' <strong>',$this->pageMsg[$resultId]['e'],'</strong>',$recordName,'/页 转到'; echo ':<select name=page size=1 onchange="javascript:window.location='; echo 'this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;" style=font-size:12px;height=18px>'; for ($i=1;$i<=$this->pageMsg[$resultId][1];$i++) { echo '<option value=\'',strtr('*',$i,$linkHtml); echo $this->pageMsg[$resultId][3] == $i ? '\' selected ' : '\'','>第',$i,'页</option>'; } echo '</select>'; } } /** * 将查询结果输入缓存 * * 参数: * $cachePath 缓存路径 * $resultId 查询结果ID */ private function writeCache($cachePath,$resultId) { $cacheContent = ''; while ($rowArray = odbc_fetch_array($this->resultId[$resultId])) { $cacheContent .= '$dataCache[]=array('.$this->rowToStr($rowArray).');'; } file_put_contents($cachePath,'<?php '.$cacheContent.' ?>'); include $cachePath; $this->resultId[$resultId] = $dataCache; $this->offset[$resultId] = 0; } /** * 将数组转换为一个二维数组结构的字符串 * * 参数: * $rowArray 数组 */ private function rowToStr($rowArray) { for (reset($rowArray);$key = key($rowArray);next($rowArray)) { $rowStr .= ',\''.$key.'\'=>\''.strtr($rowArray[$key],'\'','\\\'').'\''; } return substr($rowStr,1); } /** * 调用错误消息页面,完成错误消息的显示 * * 参数: * $msg 错误消息 */ public function setError($msg) { include $this->errPage; } } ?>