来源 :中华考试网 2020-06-16
中1.世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization,英文缩写为WTO)成立于1995年,其前身是关税和贸易总协定(GATT)。
1. The World Trade Organization came into being in 1995. It is the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. (GATT)
2. 只有使国际社会的广大成员都受益,经济全球化才能顺利地推进,世界经济才能持续稳定地发展。
2. Globalization will grow smoothly and the world economy develop in a sustained and steady manner only when most members of the international community can reap the benefit.
3. 亚太经合组织的发展应反映各成员最广泛的共同利益。采取更富有成效的合作方式,缩小成员间的差距,增强凝聚力。
3. APEC should develop in a way that reflects the broadest common interests of all its members and adopt more effective cooperation modalities to narrow the gap between its members so as to enhance their cohesion.
4. 为了协助你方的销售,我们已经特地准备了一些新产品的样品,正在另行邮寄给你方,以供你方考虑。
4. With a view to supporting your sales, we have specially prepared some samples of our new makes and are sending them to you , under separate cover, for your consideration.
5. 由于该商品需求量大,我们建议你方早日作出决定尽快向我们定货。
5. In view of the large demand for this commodity, we would advise you to work fast and place an order with us as soon as possible.
1. A peaceful and stable environment is indispensable for sustained economic growth. Terrorism is a scourge that undermines stability. It is therefore a common task for people throughout the world to fight terrorism. Let us join hands in creating a regional and international environment in which people of all countries will enjoy success, peace and prosperity.
1. 保持经济的持续增长,必须有一个和平稳定的环境。恐怖主义是破坏稳定的社会公害。反对恐怖主义是各国人民的共同任务。让我们携手合作,努力营造一个有利于各国人民共赢、共享安宁与繁荣的国际和地区环境。
2. China will, as always, commit itself to reform, opening-up and modernization drive. China has entered a new stage of development, a stage in which it is building a well-to-do society throughout the country and speeding up socialist modernization. We are implementing the Tenth Five-Year Plan (2001-2005) for the National Economic and Social Development.
Guided by this plan, we will unswervingly focus on development and carry out restructuring all the way through with reform, opening up and advances in science and technology as the driving force and the improvement of the people's living standards as the fundamental objective. We will continue to promote economic growth and social progress.
2. 中国将一如既往地致力于改革开放和现代化建设。中国已进入了全面建设小康社会、加快社会主义现代化的新的发展阶段。我们正在实施国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划。我们将坚持把发展作为主题,把结构调整作为主线,把改革开放和科技进步作为动力,把提高人民生活水平作为根本出发点,继续推进经济增长和社会进步。