来源 :中华考试网 2020-06-12
中Travel and Transport 出行与交通工具
Travel 旅行,出行
Transport 交通;公交系统,(英)运输工具
Traveling type 喜欢旅行的人
Commitment 承诺,致力于
Environmentally friendly 对环境无害的,环保的
Business travel plan 商务旅行计划,商务出行计划
Green Travel Plan 绿色出行计划
Accreditation 水准鉴定,鉴定认可
ISO140001 accrediatation 国际环境管理标准认证
Management (企业、机关等的)管理层,管理人员,管理部门,经理人员
Car pool 合伙用车(一群各有自备汽车的人安排好在上下班时每次合乘其中一人之车,并由其开车,亦作car sharing)
Car sharing 合伙用车,亦作car pool
Public transport 公共交通
Mileage 里程
On business errands 办理公务
Videoconferencing 电视会议
On-site 就地的,现场的
Cash machine 自动提款机,自动柜员机,亦作cash dispenser, cashpoint, automated teller machine (ATM)
Means/modes of transport 交通工具
Stretch out 伸展一下身子
Cost-effectiveness 节约成本
Advisable 适当的,明智的;最好是
In-flight catering 航空餐饮,飞机上提供的食品、饮料
Destination 目的地,到达国
Meal-time 进餐时间,开饭时间
In-flight video 飞机上提供的录像片
Broadband connectivity 宽带连接
Live TV program 实况转播的电视节目
Laptop 膝上型电脑,手提电脑
Environmental congestion impact 由于环境污染和交通拥挤造成的影响
Car share database 合计用车员工的信息库
Parking space 停车场的车位
Feel alert 活泼,敏捷
Curb 控制,限制,约束,抑制
Sustainable transport 可持续发展的交通/运输工具(指公交等)
Priority parking space (车辆)优先停放
Subsidize 补贴
Subsidy 补贴
Travel pass 乘车证
Bicycle access 自行车通道
Flexible working scheme 弹性工作计划
Teleworking 电子化办公方式,电子办公
Compressed work week 压缩工作周(即以每天较长工作时间的工作日,换取每周较少的工作日)
Stagger 错开
Rush-hour congestion 高峰时段的拥挤现象
Free shuttle 免费班车
Green Travel Plan
Many businesses have developed a transport policy sometimes called a Green Travel Plan(GTP).
This policy demonstrates corporate commitment to encouraging environmentally friendly forms of transport both for business travel and in getting employees to and from work.
A business travel plan is a set of measures that provide your staff with more efficient and environmentally friendly options for travelling to work and travelling on business.
A travel plan can improve access to your site and reduce complaints about parking and traffic levels.
It can also enhance your company’s environmental image.
A business travel plan can count towards your company’s ISO 140001 accreditation.
对公司获得ISO 140001国际环境管理标准认证起着十分重要的作用。
Businesses should work towards developing a Green Travel Plan and for a travel plan to be effective it is important to involve staff and secure the support of senior management.
Typical measures:
l Developing and encouraging staff car pool or car-sharing shchemes.
l Encouraging use of cleaner and less polluting fuel.
l Providing bike racks and shower and changing facilities for cyclists.
l Promotion of public transport (where applicable).
l Paying mileage for employees using cycles on business errands.
l Avoiding unnecessary travel e.g., using IT systems such as videoconferencing and E-mail.
l Looking at alternative methods of distribution i.e. rail or shipping when economical.
l Providing on-site facilities such as a cash machine to reduce the need for journeys offsite.
(1) How did you travel here today?(Why?/Why not?)
I came here by bike because I usually travel by bike.
(2) If you could choose, which form of transport would you like to travel by?
I’d choose to travel by air because it is more comfortable compared with other neans of transport.
(3) Do you have to travel a lot on business? Do you like it?(Why?/Why not?)
Yes, very often. Actually I quite enjoy those trips because I like to go to different places and experience different customs.
(4) How do you think you will travel to work in the future?(Why?/Why not?)
I think I’ll travel to work by subway. The underground trandsport network will be perfect in the future.