


来源 :中华考试网 2017-08-04


  Where did the manufacturer learn his craft?

  A.At school.

  B.In university.

  C.From his grandfather.

  46、How many employees does the manufacture have?




  47、Where did manufacture sell most of his goods?

  A.To Taiwan.

  B.TO US.

  C.T0 mainland.

  48、Why is there an increasing demand for ceramics in U。S.?

  A.It's cheap.

  B.It's in good quality.

  C.It's very tradition but has modern designs.

  49、How do they make the ceramics?

  A.By machine.

  B.By hand。

  C.By machine and hand.

  50、How much would cost if the importer retailed the eight-foot decorative vase?

  A.$3 000

  B.$30 000


  51、Why do the buyers balk at the vase?

  A.It's expensive.

  B.lt's hard to make.

  C.It's too small.

  52、Why are Chinese ceramics SO attractive to U.S.buyers?

  A.low price

  B.high quality

  C.good reputation

  LISTENING 40 minutes(including 10 minutes' transfer time)

  In this part of the test,you are given a discussion topic.

  53、In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic.You have 30 minutes to look at the prompt card,an example of which is below,and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner.After that the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic.

  For two candidates

  Orientation for New Staff

  Your company is planning a formal orientation program for new staff.

  You have been asked to make recommendations about the orientation program.

  Discuss the situation together and decide:

  ·whether it’S necessary to organize a formal orientation

  ·what should be covered in the orientation program.

  For three candidates

  Orientation for New Staff

  Your company is planning a formal orientation program for new staff.

  You have been asked to make recommendations about the orientation program.

  Discuss the situmion together and decide:

  ·whether it’S necessary to organize a formal orientmion

  ·what should be covered in the orientation program

  ·what is good time for the orientation program.

  Follow-on questions

  ·What training would you hope to have in the future?(Why?)

  ·Is it better to attend a full.time or a part—time training course?(Why?)

  ·Do you think companies should provide training for all their staff?(Why?/Why not?)

  ·Do you think more companies will use external agencies to run their staff training program in the future?(Why/Why not?)

  ·Are there any disadvantages of turning to an external agency to run staff training program?(:Why?/Why not?)


  For each question(19-33),mark one letter(A,B,CorD)on your Answer Sheet.



  Personal Branding

  One of the issues people are concerned about as they start to (0) B their personal brand is being (19)_______to one subject or area. They ask "Can I be an expert in more than one field or should I (20)_______one?" You have the freedom to brand yourself as you choose,and you can always expand your offerings, (21)_______the knowledge you gain and your new interests. When you have an assortment of interests, you need to make sure that you manage them properly, both in (22)_______ of the rime you (23)_______to each and how they are interwined in your lifestyle, online and off.

  If you have multiple interests and they are (24)_______ then your hand brand will be much more powerful because those interests can complement each other. (25)_______ if you are a financial analyst working at a bank during the day and a stock-trading blogger by night, you can(26)_______both, without drifting (27)_______from your current brand (28)_______ of course that you don't violate any confidentiality rules or insider trading laws.

  If your interests aren't related in any (29)_______then they should be completely detached,such as having two (30)_______ websites catering exclusively to each. If you're an accountant for a Forture 500 company and a male model, you definitely want to separate those (31)_______and career paths from each other because (32)_______ you're perceived as a male model may....impact how seriously you're (33)_______as an accountant.

