来源 :中华考试网 2016-07-11
① If you die, who will feed your family? Who will put your children through school?
② What can YOU do about conversation?
① Living without air-conditioning could be pretty difficult for your family this summer.
② Now there’s an even better reason to buy a Phoenix personal computer. In just ten days, you will receive your free copy of Newsat, the only business magazine produced exclusively for the Chinese executive.
⒊ 建议(用于第一或第二段)
① Consider the benefits of a really damp-free flat this winter.
② Remember, this offer is only open for two weeks.
⒋ 说明(用于第三段)
① Don’t send any money with your order. (货款无须随订单一起寄出。)
② Send no money now. (现在无须寄钱。)