来源 :中华考试网 2020-05-29
中consumer goods日用消费品
例:Wc sell a very large range of goods, including fest-movir^ consumer gwxls such as canned bods, cleaning materials and cassettes.本店经营货物品种繁多,包括诸如螺头 食品、清洁用品和磁带等快销商品。
consumer trends 消费趋势
例: Companies should respond appropriately to charges in consumer trends ・ 企业应对漏 费趋势的变化做出适当的回应。
例: A variety of goods may be packed into die amtainer before it is ready for shipment. 各种货物都可以先装进集装箱再付並.
containerization 集装箱运输
例: The containerization of most cargo has reduced damage and lowered the cost. 大 多 数货物釆用集装箱运输,减少了毁损,降低了成本。
例:He was a serious contender for the post.他是认真想争取获得该职位的候选人o
Continental plan欧洲大陆式酒店服务(包括住宿和简单早餐的酒店服务方式)
例:A Continental plan includes bed and breakfast.欧洲大陆式酒店服务包括住宿和早 餐。
contract of employment 雇用合同
例: The Personnel Manager went through the contract of etnployment with each new employee to make sure that it was fully understood before signing.人事部经理在每位新 员工签订座用合同之前都要与他仔细看过合同,以确保员工充分理解合同内容。
contract period 合同期限
例:The erntraa period was two years.该合同期限为两年。 '
contractual obligation 合同义务
例:The EAT (Employment Appeal Tribunal) ruled that the employer had breached its
contractual obligation to deal reasonably and promptly with its employees' grievances, and to provide a reasonable working environment suitable for its employees. 劳工 申诉法 庭判决:雇主违反了合同义务,未能及时合理地解决员工申诉并为员工提供合理恰当 的工作环境。
contribution 1 捐款,捐物
例: All contributions received by the centre have to be entered on our computer system. 中心收到的所有捐款、捐牧都要输入电脑系统存档°
contribution 2 (提供的)建议
例: Some supporters have sent in contribututns asking if they can sponsor something specific in the building, such as bricks or floorboards・一些支持者来函建议,询问他们是否 可以为建造大楼捐物,例如砖头或地板料等。
conveniently situated 地理位置优越
例:The hotel is conveniently situated within five minutes' walk of the MTR.这家酒店 地理位置优趙,离地铁步行不到5分钟。
conversional marketing转变消费者行为的营销活动
例: Conversional marketing is probably the most difficult potential demand state facing any marketer, and it is a difficult task to rely on advertising alone to change attitudes toward a product from negative to positive.转变消费者行为的营销活动也许是任何一位 管销者所面对的故困唯的潜在需求状况,因为仅仅靠广告来改变人们对一个产品从否 定到认可的态度并非易事。
conveyor belt 传送带
cook-chill预煮速冻法,先烹后冻(顾客买回家后加热食用即可,特点在于省时便 捷)
例:The cook-chill process offers a different approach. Foods are partially cooked or blanched, then rapidly chilled and held ic refrigerated inventory until needed. 兄烹调后冷 冻的念品制作法提供了一神不同的方式。會物先是部分煮熱或速熟,接着快速冷冻, 放在冷冻库里直至需用时取出加热食用。
copycat packaging冒充包装,指将劣质商品包装成外观像名牌优质产品出售。
core activity 1核心经营项目
例: The core activity o£ a business is the main product or service which the business provides. 企业的核心经营项目指该企业生产或提供的主要产品或服务。
core activity 2 核心业务,主营业务
例:He has focused on Dayton' s core restaurant and hotel activities and reduced the group's debts by disposing of several properties and a chain of beauty salons. 他主要分管 戴顿集团的餐馆与酒店核心业务,并通过出售几处地产和连锁美容店减少集团债务。
core benefits核心福利项目(由公司提供的强制性福利)
例: These core benefits include a minimum number of days' holiday, life assurance and accident insurance.这些核心福利项目包括起码的假期天数、人寿保险和事故险o
core business核心业务,主营业务
例:I'he major advantage of the outsourcing of your web hosting is the fact that it leaves you to concentrate on your core business rather than Trying to become a cyberspace expert. 将网络管理和经营业务外包的主要好处是可以让你集中浒行公司的主营业务,而不是 试图成为计算机领域的专家。
core product 核心产品
例;()ur core product is personal computers.我们的核心产品是个人电脑。
core technology 核心技术
例;Established businesses that own core technology can effectively keep small companies from playing by refusing to license that technology.拥有核心技术的老牌企业可以通过 不对核心技术流行专利注册而阻碍小企业加入竞争C
corpocracy 公司官僚主义
例:Top management surrounds itself with what Icahn calls “ corpocracy . ” 用艾卡思的话 来说,上层管理人员被公司官僚主乂包围着。
corporate business area商务地段,商务区(指写字楼、办公场所、银行、商店集中 的区域或地段),亦作 business district, commercial district, commercial area
例: The property is prominently located in a well-established and fast-growir^ corporate business area .该大楼位于闻名遐迩、发展快速的商务区的显要地段。
corporate charge card 公司赊账卡
例:In recent months, a corporate charge card (Amcx) and an automated expenses reimbursement system have been trialled successfully in several departments. 最近几个月,一 种称作Amex的公司赊账卡和一种自动费用报销系统在几个部门试行使用,结果十分 成功。
corporate culture公司文化,企业文化(泛指企业内集体员工所形成和共享的价值 观、理念、传统等).亦作 organizational culture, company culture
例: Our corporate culture helps us to retain the spirit and vitality of the early years, and to create a feeling of belonging in a large international organization. 公司 文化不仅有助于 我们保持公司组建初期的传统精神与活力,同时还在发展到今天这样的一个大型跨国 企业中为员工营造了一种归属感。
corporate entertaining公司宴请,公司宴会
例:We have dining nxims for corporate entertaining.我们提供适合公司宴请的宴会 厅。
corporate hospitality (与客户融洽关系的)企业社交
例:In recent years there has been a noticeable growth in the number of operators offering corporate hospitality services,近年来,提供企业社交服务的专业公司数量在显著增 氐
corporate hospitality consultancy企业社交联谊活动咨询公司
corporate hospitality event 企业社交联谊活动
例 1: The operator is one of the most successful in organizing corporate hospitality events,那家公司在组织企业社交联谊活动方面做得很成功。
corporate identity 企业标识
例:The company is unsuccessful because it lacks a corporate identity.这个公司 缺乏企 业标识.因此未能成功。
corporate image企业形象,简称CI
例: They all believe that the introduction of the new uniform has led to a modern, more professional corporate image and greater confidence among them. 大家都认为,新制服 体现了烫具有行业特点的现代企业形象,大大增长了员工们的自信。
corporate networks 公司内部网络
例: The company is developing software which uses corporate netuxtrks to help manager train and appraise employees—and so enable them to get the most from their human m sources budget.该公司正在开发能够在公司内部网络运行的软件,帮助经理们培训和 评估员工,使其人力资•瀝预算发择最大效益°