来源 :中华考试网 2020-05-25
中bank statement银行结单,银行水单
例: The bank statern^nt should be checked against the cash book to make sure the figures arc the same and that there arc rd discrepancies.银.行结单应与现金账簿核对,确保两 者数字一致,无不符之处°
banner towing条幅广告
banqueting manager (酒店的)宴会经理
bar chart矩形图,条形图,直方图,也称bar graph或histogram (是以宽度相同的 长条,按其长短或高低来表示指标或数值大小的-种图形。有单式、复式和分段 式三种。其中纵轴线称为vertical axis,横轴线称为horizontal &xis)
例 1: I^ast year's sales figures for alt our markets are shown on this bar chart.我们所有 在场去年的销售数字都显示在这个条形图上。
例 2: The bar chart below shows the cost of buying three different photocopiers.以下条 形图显示购买三种不同复幻机所需的费用。
bar code (打印在商品上、与电脑系统连接可读岀商品价格和参考数据的)条形码,条码
例:The shop assistant scanned the bar code to check the price.店员对条形码扫描以核 对价格。
bar graph矩形图,条形图,直方图,也称bar chart或histogram
例: The bar graph shows the sales of cars in dilfercnt countries during August, Septem^ ber and October.该条形图显示了八月、九月、十月这三个月里公司在不同国家的汽 车销售情况。
barrier crasti (汽车)障碍试验
barrister (英国、澳大利亚)(有资格岀席高等法院的)律师、出庭律师,大律师' 相当于美国的attorney
例:He is a barrister specializir^ in employment Law .他是对劳工法有专门研究的大律 师。
base pay基本工资
例:To know how much can be spent on benefits, you start with Base Pay.要了 解有多 少钱可用于享受福利,须先看基本工資。
base rate基本利率,基础利率(指清算银行作为贷款基础的利率)
例: The interest which a bank charges on loans is at a rate which is usually higher than its iKiserate.银行收取的贷款利率通常高于其基础利率。
例 1: This is the (xttch of watches that all have the same fault.这就是那批有同样毛痼 的手表。
例 2: The first batch of applicants was being processed by the personnel department. 人 事部门正在处理第一批求职者。
bear market熊市(通常指股市、汇市等金融市场价格下跌或疲软)
例:If the market is thought to be poor and prices on the Stock Exchange are thought to be likely to fall, the market is called a bear market.市场疲软,股票价格看跌,这种股 市被称为熊市C
例:These prices will act as a l^enchmark for other firms.这些价格将作为其他公司的基 价。
beneficiary 受益人
例:The beneficiary - the person who gets the money when someone dies — is usually a member of the policy holder's family,人寿保险受益人通常是投保人的某一家庭成员。
benefit premium (基本工资之外的)福利津贴
例: Your f^nefil prerniurn is lhe additional amount over and above base pay which is provided to help fund your benefits.福利津贴指的是基本工资之外、高于基本工资、用来 资助所享福利的额外收入。
benefi-s package 一揽子福利,福利套餐(指工资之外的福利,如健康保险、住房 或股票等)
例 1: Because it was necessary to drive long distances to see customers, the benefits package we offered to sales people at our company included a new car-由于拜访客户需要开车 跑很长的路.所以我们提供给公司销售人员的福利套餐包括一辆新车。
例 2: She was offered an excellent benefits package at the interview.面後时用人单位向 她允诺优越的一揽子福利。
best-selling author 畅销书作家
Big Blue蓝色巨人,美国IBM公司的俗称,因为其早期的大型计算机卜.的图形标志 呈蓝色”
big-ticket (美俚)高价的,昂贵的
例;Automobile is still a big-ticket item-汽车仍然是昂贵商品=
例 1 : Suitable bilingual- applicants will have worked in n. similar position here or abroad for at least two years.符合条件者必须是具备双语能力.并在国内或国外相同职位上 工作过至少两年的申请者。
例2: To be bilingual, one has to be bicukural,要掌握两种语言,必须掌握两种文化c
例: Michigan officials are planning to bill the federal govcmrnent for the slate's hre・ fighiing costs.密歇报州的官员们打算要求联邦政府支付该州的消防费用c
例 1: Saturn has chosen to price their car rather inexpensively, has promoted the car mainly through television advertisements and billbxirds and distributee the car exclusively through Saturn dealerships. *'i星”汽车选择了低价位政策,主要利用电视广告和籌 天大广告牌促销并通过独家经销商销售。
例 2: There arc American flags visible EVERYWHERE, on the rooftops, cn cars, on the biH^rds . on the boats,在屋顶、车上、广告牌上、船上,.美国,旗到处可见。
bill of entry报关单(进出口货物清单,报海关查验)
例:They are preparing a bill of entry for customs.他们正在为海关准备报关单 c
bill of lading提单,提货单
例 1: Documentation for export shipments includes the bill o f lading.出口货物运输所 需文件包括提货单。
例 2: The full contract details appear on the back of the bill of lading ・提单背面印窄全 部会约的细则o
binding machine 装订机
例;A binding machine fixes sheets of paper together like a book.裝订机用来把成叠的
bingo card宾戈卡(出版者随杂志发出的已付邮资的明信片,读者可凭卡免费函索 广告中有关产品的信息)
bioengineered food生物工程食品
例; Biffen^ineered fixxJ is the brave new wave of the future, but should ccmsumers ask more quvstion^?生物工程食品是未来绚丽夺目的新浪潮,但消费者是否应该多问一些 问题?
biotech 生物技术,亦作 biotechnology
例:Biotech is the industry mosi apt io confuse fanrasy wjrh reality.生物技术很容易把 幻想和现实混为一谈°
biotechnology 生物技术,亦作 biotech
例: The number of alliances belween the pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology groups is increasing.制药公司和生物技术公司的姓盟日益增加g black economy黑市经济(指为逃税而隐瞒收入的地下经济)
例: The part of an economy which 15 no! declared 10 the tax authorities is known as the black economy ,不向税务部门申报的经济领域被称为黑市经济。
Black Friday (尤指经济领域内灾难性的)黑色星期五,灾难性的一天
例: All rlie majcr groups are currently looking for the blockbuster remedies of the twenty- first century which will keep their profits at current levels.目前际有大型企业都在寻找 如何在21世纪大力促销的灵丹妙药,以使利润保持目前水平.
block release (到高校进行一周或几周的)短期脱产进修
例: Wc arc short-staffed at the monient as iw。of otir team are on block release .我们 目 前人手不足,因为小组里有两人脱产学习,
blue chip 1蓝筹股.绩优股(公司经营稳健、风险小的股票) 例:She put her money into blue chips .她把钱投资在绩优股上。
blue chip 2 (在同行业中)最获利的,最赚钱的
例; Private investors unwilling to tolerate high levels c;f risk can reduce this uncertainly by buying shares in blue chip companies.不愿忍受髙风险的私人投资者可以通过购买 盈利公司的股票来避免该不稳定因素。