来源 :中华考试网 2020-05-25
例 1: These are beautifully reproduced prints by award-tuinning American-1ndian artists,这些是由成功的美国印第安艺术家巧妙复制的版画。
例 2: These award-winning homes from only £6990 have attracted quite a few people. 这些起价仅为6990英镑的一流豪宅吸引了不少人。
例 3: The resort hotel is located cn its 11.5 acre aivard-i£yinnin^ site.该饭店 占地 1 L5 英亩.坐落在一流度假胜地c
例 1: The booklet helped raise public a^uaren^ss of the product.这本小册子有助于提高 该产品的知名度。
例 21 The old company started extensive advertising on radio to increase atmreness amor^ young people who had not been the company's traditional customers,这家老牌公司开始 在电台大做广告,以使从前不是其传统消费者的年轻人提髙对其产品的认识。
axe 1大幅削减
例;In an effort to save money our company president a^ed the promotions budget - 为 节 省开支,我们公司的总裁大幅削减了推广活动的预算。
axe 2裁员
例: Three people in the marketing department were etzed last week and are now looking [or new positions.市场营销部的三名员工上周被解屣了,他们目前正在寻找新的工 作。
baby break产假,停职育婴期
例: Helping their female employees to have a short baby break and smooth re-entry to the workforce would minimise the problems.帮助女性雇员度过短暂产假后再顺利回到工作 岗位,这样可以使问题减少到最低限度。
例:They are expecting high returns after backing the new business.他们期望将资金投 入新企业后得到高回报。
backdate 1倒填日期(填写比实际更早的日期使其较早生效) 例:She backdated the invoice to November for tax purposes.由于税务原因,她将发票 倒填为11月。
backdate 2使(加薪或其他付款项目)在较早的日期开始生效 例:Your salary increase will be backdated to January.加薪将从]月份起算。
例:For thirty years this wealthy American businessman was the backer of this enormously expensive project of photc^raphing. 30年来,这位美国富商一直是这项耗资巨大的 摄影计划的崙助人。
backlog 1 积压
例:We are now faced with a sizeable backlog o£ orders.目前我们面临的积压订单数量 极大。
backlog 2积压的工作
例: The fact remains that our manufacturers have a heavy backlog on their hands. 我们 的厂家眼前的交货任务压得很重,这是事实。
backpack 背包
例:The backpackparachute, which is being marketed in the United States and
Japan, has a $ 795 price tag and weighs four pounds.这种背包式的降落伞标价为 795美元,有4磅重,目前正在美国和日本市场推广。
back pay补发工资(常为追补的加薪金额)
例;She received 6 months' back pay in her July pay packet.她领到 7 月份工资时还同 时收到6个月的补发工资.
backup 1备份,备用件(文件、程序等的拷贝)
例:Did you make a backup copy?你做 了备份 了吗?
backup 2 为 做备份,亦作back up
例: You can backup accounting records» business plans , charts, graphs or confidential information on CDs for decades - safe and secure.你可以把账目记录、业务计划、图表 或机密情报备份到光盘上,可保证数十年安然无恙。
back-up facility支持设备,辅助设备
例: The latest development is the use of the virtual office to provide essential back-up facilities to the self-employed.目前,虚拟办公室的最新进展是被用来为个体经营者提供 基本的支持设备C
bad debt坏账,呆账,倒账(无法收回的应收账款)
例:The bank wrote off one million pounds in bad debts ,银行注销了 100 万英镑的呆 账.
bad publicity 负面宣传
例: When they start to raise prices, they might create bad publicity T which could hurt their brand,当他们开始提价时.就可能造成负面宣传,损害其品牌。
baggage allowance行李重量限额
例;H the boss is travelling with a lot of heavy equipment he will probably exceed the baggage cilkrwame by the airline.假如老板携带大量很重的器械旅行,很可能会超过 航空公司规定的行李重貴限额。
例: U you choose nol to use all of your Additional Benefit Funding for benefitsT you will be paid the ftalance in cash, as part of your monthly pay.假如员工不愿把所有附加福利
balance of payment 国际收支,简称 BOP
例:It is also likely to lead to a rise in imports and problems with balance of payments. 它还可能导致增加进口产品和出现国际收支平衡问题。
balance of trade国际贸易差额(一国的有形出口(商品及服务)与有形进口之差) 例:The country has had a balance of trade deficit since 1982.该国自 1982 年以束一直 存在贸易逆差。
balance sheet资产负债表,决算表,平衡表
例:Successful managers must know how to read the baiance sheet ・出色的经理必须知道 如何区读资产负债表。
ballpark 1活动领域;(价格、观点的)可变通范围
例:The two sides eventually found themselves in the same general ballpark .双方终于 发现在大问题上看法已趋一致。
ballpark 2大致正确的
例:Unfortunately [ can only give you ballpark figures today.遗憾的是,今天我只能给 诸位提供一个大槪数字。
bancassurance 银行保险业,bankassurance
例: The job losses stem largely from the amalgamation cf TSB' s bank and insurance operations mto a unified ' bancassurance '.丧失工作岗位主要是由于信托储蓄银行的银行 业务和保险义务合并成为统一的银行保险业而引起的。
bank charges 银行手续费
例:C)ne significant expense is bank charges , which all businesses are fcrced to pay - 费用 中最大的一筮是银行手续费,所有企业都必须支付C
banking business金融业,银行业
例:Credit Lyonnais is in the banking business.里昂信贷银行从事金融业务。
bank on依赖••…•获利
例:Ixink on a brand依赖品牌获利