来源 :中华考试网 2020-05-02
中现金结算:cash settlement
分期付款: payment by instalment
现货: spot goods
付款交单; D/P documents against payment就是进口商付了货款以后银行才会把相关的单证给你
承兑交单 :D/A documents against acceptance
就是进口商做向银行保证在多少天内会付款,银行就会给你提单 了
提货单: B/L bill of lading
保险单:insurance policy
到岸价:CIF cost, insurance and freight成本、保险和运费价 到买方码头的价格
离岸价: FOB free on board 离开卖方码头的价格
信用等级差;to have a poor credit rating
装运单据:shipping documents
交货不足:short of delivery
守约:honor a contract
违约:dishonor the contract
毁约:break the contract
保险费:insurance premium
发、收货人:Consigner consignee
防震/水/潮: shock proof ,water proof , damp proof
定金:down payment
反倾销措施:antidumping measures
注册资金:registered funds
货币升值和贬值; the appreciation and depreciation of currency
拓宽投资方式:to diversify investment modes
继续保持良好的增长态势: to maintain the good growth momentum
统筹安排: overall arrangement
国家高新技术工业开发区:state high-tech and new-tech industrial development zones
下岗工人再就业; the Reemployment of Laid-off workers
全面提高劳动者的素质:to Improve the overall quality of the workforce