


来源 :中华考试网 2016-07-15

  passage The Man Who Will Be King

  1. heir n.继承人

  E.g. He is the heir to the throne.

  He is the heir to a large property.

  2. popularity n. 流行,受欢迎

  E.g. Now the new fashion style has gained much popularity.

  Qiong Yao’s romantic novels once enjoyed great popularity among the youth.

  3.controversial adj.有争议的

  E.g. This is a controversial issue.

  princess Diana’s death once was a controversial issue in the world.

  4. icon n. 偶像

  E.g. The little boy takes Michael Jordan as his icon.

  premiere Zhou remains an icon among Chinese.

  5. gossip n. 谣言

  E.g. She is a woman who likes to spread gossip.

  She was deeply hurt by the gossip.

  When the epidemics first broke out, there were a lot of gossips about it because of ignorance.

  6. abdicate v. 退位

  E.g. He became the heir to the throne after his father abdicated.

  7. protocol n. 外交礼仪

  8. feedback n. 反馈,反应

  E.g. They sent out questionnaires on the street to see the feedback of customers about their new product.

  The teacher is waiting for the feedback from his students.`

  9. monarchy n. 君主政体 monarch 君主

  10.informal adj. 非正式的 (formal 正式的)

  E.g. this is an informal meet.

  This is a formal dinner.

