

来源 :中华考试网 2020-06-15

  Creating a Company Image



  (1) Is it necessary to have a defined company image?(Why?/Why not?)


  Yes. In the eyes of the public, a clearly defined company image is the identity of the company. It reflects the quality of their product or service. So a good company image enhances public recognition and increased popularity will translate into great trading volume and profits.

  (2) How important is the brand image in marketing campaign?(Why?)


  Brand image is an integrated part of marketing strategy. Although the success of a marketing campaign is determined by product quality, budget and some other factors, brand image is the only thing companies could use to sway the buyer’s mood and to drive people to your business.

  (3) What factors should be considered when selecting a company logo design?(Why?)


  When selscting a logo design, the company’s image and target audience should be put high on the priority list. The logo should reflect the cultural values the company upholds, and be attractive to the targeted potential customers. Of course, cost is another factor to be considered.

  (4) Do you think it important for a company to have a logo of its own?(Why?/Why not?)


  Yes. I think a logo represents a company and its products or services. If the logo is successful, it captures the personality of the company, sculpts and reinforces the company image. Besides, the logo is a most central marketing tool as it is used consistently and repeatedly.


  What’s important when…?

  Designing a company magazine 设计企业杂志需要考虑哪些要点?

  l Target readership 目标读者

  l Contents included 包括的内容


  When designing a company magazine, the most important thing is to find out what the target readership is, whether it is an in-house magazine designed for employees or a magazine designed for employees or a magazine that aims to attract your customers. You see, the readership determines what contents should be included.

  Once the readership is targeted, we have to decide what subjects should be covered. If it’s a staff magazine, it should cover such topics as new about people and events in the company, or the latest sales figures, staff competition, etc. If it’s a customer magazine, you can advertise your new products, release latest news about product development or give special offers to customers.

  On top of that, you also need to decide the number of issues to be published annually, whether it should be a monthly magazine or a quarterly magazine. And of course, cost is another important factor to be considered.





  Designing a Company Celebration Programme

  Your company would like to design a new Company Celebration Programme to facilitate both internal and external communications. You have been asked to help draft the programme. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

  l what kind of events should be celebrated

  l how to celebrate these occasions



  l 公司应该庆祝哪些活动

  l 怎样庆祝这些活动

  A: You see, we need to help work out a celebration programme for our company.

  B: Yes, I think it’s very important to make a detailed plan about what events to be celebrated.

  A: Successful corporate rituals and celebrations are important ways of corporate communications. They help to bond people together and connect people to shared values and vision. So a well designed corporate celebration programme will benefit a company greatly.

  B: Yes. But as there is a wide variety of situations that we can celebrate, we have to focus on the most worthy ones. In my opinion, we can keep the cyclical celebrations, as they are more fixed, I mean , they come every year, like company annversaries, Christmas, New Year’s Day, etc. Celebrations of this kind help to relieve work pressure.

  A: You’re right. So for these gala events, we can hold parties, costume balls, get-togethers at selected restaurants, etc. We can also invite our clients and customers over as these activities are really great occasions for socializing and networking, I mean good chances for building relationships.

  B: What a jolly idea! I think we can also hold ceremonies when our staff members or teams produce excellent performance. It’s a way of showing our recognition and appreciation for their efforts. And in return, celebrations of kind help to enhance job satisfaction and will further help to improve the quality and financial performance of our company.

  A: Yes. Celebrating individual accomplishment could not only invigorate our employee morale, but also instill work with meaning and joy. So on these occasions, we can choose to offer free trips, picnics or get-togethers, etc.

  B: Right. Besides that, I think we should create celebrations that included everyone. I mean, no one should be left out. So personal transitions should also be celebrated. They often affect how well people perform in work, although personal transitions are private in nature.

  A: Uh huh. They also affect how smoothly organizations function in a way. So the management should respond well to personal events such as marriage, the birth of a child, or employee birthday etc,, and deal with these happy events effectively they can organize parties, buffet or picnics.

  B: Right. Management should also be able to handle negative personal transitions like a distressing family illness or a death in an employee’s family. In such cases, leaders have to be compassionate and supportive.

  A: So grief counselling is important on such occasions. That would touch the hearts of our employees and help to build commitment and loyalty.

  B: Well, you see, corporate rituals and ceremonies play a vital role in business management. So it’s really important to set a corporate celebration programme.


  B: 是的,我认为制作一个关于需要庆祝活动的详细计划非常重要。

  A: 成功的企业仪式和庆祝活动,是企业沟通的重要途径。它能够把人们集中到一起,并连接人们共同分享价值和设想。因此对公司庆祝活动的良好设计将给公司带来巨大的利益。


  A: 同意你的观点。因此为了这些庆祝活动,我们可以举办聚会,化妆舞会,在选定的餐厅举办联欢会等等。我们也可以邀请我们的客户和顾客参加以上的活动,使其成为社交网络真正盛大的场合。我的意思是成为建立关系的机会。

  B: 真是个好办法。我认为当员工或团队做出优秀表现的时候我们也可以举办庆功会。这是对他们的努力认可和感激的一种展现方式。作为回报,此种类型的庆典也会有助于增强工作满意感以及进一步改善公司的服务质量以及财务表现。


  B: 是的,此外,我认为我们应该举办庆祝活动让每个人参加。我的意思是,任何人都不应该被排除在外。因此个人的生活变化也应该被庆祝。这会影响人们在工作中的表现,尽管个人的生活变化属于私人性质的。

  A: 嗯。在某种程度上,它们也会影响如何顺利组织功能。因此管理者应该对个人庆典比如结婚、生小孩或者员工生日等有良好的反应。而且他们可以组织聚会、自助餐或野餐等活动来有效处理这些令人愉快的事件。


  A: 所以悲伤劝导在这种场合很重要。这将碰触员工的心灵而且有助于建立敬业精神和忠诚感。

  B: 是的,你知道,公司的仪式和庆典对公司管理起着重要的作用。因为建立公司庆典计划是非常重要。

  (1) What other occasions should be celebrated in the company?(Why?)


  I think companies should also celebrate an individual’s achievenments in work,such as promotion or succession. That would bring great honour to the employees involved and fill them with a sense of pride. What’s more, it’s also a great encouragement to their co-workers.

  (2) Why is corporate celebrations important?


  Corporate Celebrations helps to build healthy relationships in the workplace. They promote mutual understanding among employees and offer a refreshing approach to creating a sense of community. They can also help companies to strengthen ties with their clients.

  (3) Do you think corporate rituals represent the image of the company?(Why?)


  Yes. What occasions a company celebrates and what rituals they hold authentically reflect the corporate spirit, they pass a distinct message to the public about their image and the values they emphasize. For example,their celebration of employee’s birthday indicates their care for people, and their focus on internal communications.

  (4) Do you think corporate celebrations can also bring about negative effects?(Why?/Why not?)


  Yes. Negative effects occur if you don’t have clear goals or if it’s not well planned or organized. You see, if you happen to leave someone out, it would cause great frustration to him. Besides, it would cost a lot to hold all these celebration activities.

  (5) How important is it to involve all staff in company celebrations?(Why?)


  Yes. Corporate celebrations aim to enhance a strong sense of belonging and a sense of community within the company, so it’s important to involve all staff in these activities. They can help to achieve mutual understanding and a higher level of co-operation among staff.



