


来源 :中华考试网 2018-08-28

  2. (v.) sell goods direct to customers零售

  [例] Dealers are retailing the goods at &17.

  retailer [ ri:5teilE ]person who sells goods direct零售商

  retained earnings (n.) undistributed profits未分配利润

  [例] The retained earnings are profits that cannot be distributed.

  retire [ ri5taiE ] (v.) stop working because of old age or illness退休

  [例] She has to retire this year for she is 50.

  retirement [ ri5taiEmEnt ] (n.) time when one stops working because of old age or illness退休

  [例] As retirement approaches, there is often a deceleration period.

  return [ ri5tE:n ] (n.) profit from an investment(投资)回报

  [例] What sort of return can we expect?

  ROI (return on investment)投资回报

  revaluate [ 5ri:5vAljueit ] (v) to increase the exchange value of (a nation's currency) 使(货币)升值

  [例] The government decide to revaluate her currency.

  [同义词] upvalue


  revamp [ 5ri:5vAmp ] (n.) a complete reorganization or revision 重组

  [例] The new CEO gave his company a major revamp.

  revenue [ 5revinju: ] (n.) income received收入

  [例] The financial department has announced the net revenue of last year in the meeting of broad of directors.

  review [ ri5vju: ]1. (v.) look, check评论

  [例] an annual review

  reward [ ri5wC:d ]1. (n.) something given for good work奖赏

  [例] The supervisor’s praise may be enough of a reward to keep productivity up.

  2. (v.) give something for good work酬劳

  [例] Your incentive plan should therefore reward employees in direct proportion to their increased productivity.

  rework [ 5ri:5wE:k ] (v.) to do again, normally because of poor quality 重做

  [例] You must rework because the quality of the array of china is too poor.

  risk [ risk ] (n.) chance of success or failure风险

  [例] take a risk

  [同义词] hazard, peril, danger

  risk capital (n.) money for investment in projects with a high risk but also with a potential for a high return风险资本

  [例] The higher profits you can get from risk capital, the higher risk you might have.

  risk-free investment involving no risk at all零风险投资

  risky (adj.) 有风险的

  [例] That’s a risky venture.

  [同义词] hazardous, perilous, dangerous

  rival [ 5riski ]1. (n.) competitor竞争对手

  [例] We are informed our rival has explored a large market in Middle East.

  2. (adj.) competing竞争的

  rock -bottom (adj) the lowest point 最低点

  [例] This is a rock-bottom price , and is our best offer.

  round [ raund ] (adj.) correct to nearest 10 or 100约略的(以整数计)

  [例] In round figures we can say £5,000.

  round up/down (n.) increase/decrease to a round number四舍五入为整数

  royalty [ 5rCiElti ] (n.) money paid to an inventor/creator/writer by the licensee or publisher版税

  [例] 8% royalty to the writer

  RSVP=please reply(法文) 请回复

  run [ rQn ] (v.) manage, organize管理

  [例] He runs two businesses.

  run (v) to continue in effect or operation有效

  [例] a lease with one year to run

  running [5rQnIN] (adj.) 1. operating运营的

  [例] running costs

  2. continuing连续的

  [例] a running conversation

