


来源 :中华考试网 2018-08-25



  objective [ Eb5dVektiv ] (n.) target, aim目标

  [例] The daily 10 customers is a burdensome objective for the salesman.

  obsolete [ 5CbsEli:t ] (adj.) no longer used过时的

  [例] The old product is now obsolete.

  [同义词] outmoded, antiquated, old-fashioned

  obsolescence [ 7CbsE5lesns ] (n.) process of going out of date because of advances in technology陈旧

  occupation (n) an activity that serves as one's regular source of livelihood职业

  [例]What is your full-time occupation and part-time avocation?

  [同义词] avocation

  offer [ 5CfE ] (n.) statement that you are willing to pay a certain amount出价

  [例] We made a good offer.

  offer (v.) say you are willing to pay/help出价

  off-season (adj & adv) in the cheap, less busy season 淡季的

  [例] The sweater is a real bargain for I bought it off-season.

  off-the-peg (adj.) standard, not customized现成的,标准的

  [例] All the washing machines have off-the-peg parts.

  off-the-shelf (adj.) referring to goods which are made before a customer order is placed

  [例] Before the consumer order is placed, they have prepared off-the-shelf goods.

  opening [ 5EupniN ] (n.) job; vacancy职位空缺

  [例] Is there any opening for the applicants?

  operate [ 5CpEreit ] (v.) run or work a machine/business运转

  [例] The section head should make full function to operate daily production.

  operating profits profits which result from day-to-day business营业利润

  operations chart (n.) graphic which shows the operations on a part of the production system操作图

  [例] Have you make clear of the operations chart? It can show you the operations on a part of the production system.

  operative (n) worker工人

  [例] She is a skilled operative.

  opportunity [ 7CpE5tju:niti ] (n.) chance to do something机会

  [例] There are opportunities and risks in this market.

  optimize [ 5Cptimaiz ] (v.) to do something in the best possible way, for example, production使最优化

  [例] The factory tried to optimize the production.

  option [ 5CpFEn ] (n.) possibility, opportunity选择权,买卖特权

  [例] We have the first option to buy the property.

  [同义词] choice, alternative, selection

  share option (n.) right to buy/sell shares at a certain price on a future date授给在一定时期内按预定价格买卖股票的权利

  original (n) the source from which a copy, reproduction, or translation is made 原件

  [例] Keep the original for later reference.

  organigram (n.)= organization chart diagram which shows the areas of responsibility in an organization and the relationships between the personnel公司组织图

  [例] The CEO analyzed the organization chart carefully in order to make sense of the areas of responsibility in the organization and the relationships between the personnel.

  orient [ 5C:riEnt ] (v.) guide, direct定向

  [例] The money-oriented businessman will do all things to pursue profits.

  orientation [ 7C(:)rien5teiFEn ] (n.) 1 direction or main area of interest 定向

  2. introduction to the workings of a company or department(对公司新环境的)介绍

  [例] orientation for incoming employees

  outcome [ 5autkQm ] (n.) result结果

  [例] The outcome of an interview is of great importance to the candidate.

  [同义词] consequencek, issue, upshot

  out-goings (n. pl) money which is paid out, expenditure 开支

  [例] What about the out-goings of our company last year?

  outlay [ 5autlei ] (n.) expenditure费用

  [例] The capital outlay exceeds our borrowing facility.

  outlet [ 5autlet, -lit ] (n.) place where something can be sold销路

  [例] a retail outlet

  [同义词] market, mart, store

  output [ 5autput ] (n.) quantity that a person or machine produces产量

  [例] Incentive plans usually result in greater output per man hour.

  outsource [`aJt9sR:s] (v.) to buy a product or have it made by an outside supplier rather than doing it oneself 外部采办,外购

  [例] They outsource the material through the supplier abroad.

  outstanding [ aut5stAndiN ] (adj.) not yet paid未付的

  [例] What is the amount outstanding on this account?

  [同义词] owing, due, unpaid

  overcharge [ EuvE5tFB:dV ] (v.) to charge (a party) an excessive price for something过高要价

  [例] The vendor overcharged you intentionally.

  over-demand (n.) higher level of orders than can be produced需求过量

  [例] People had to work day and night for the over-demand of plastics.

  overdraft (n.) amount of money which a person/company withdraws from a back account and which is more than is in the account透支

  [例] Your account has a not very good overdraft record so we cannot provide you a house mortgage.

  [同义词] debt, bank loan, in the red

  overdraw [ 5EuvE5drC: ] (v.) take out more money from a bank account than is in the account透支

  overhead [ 5EuvEhed ] (n.) non-attributable, running costs经常性管理费用

  overpay [ 7EuvE5pei ] (n.) pay someone too much多付

  [例] The teller made a overpay to the customer.

  overseas [ 5EuvE5si:z ] (adj.) abroad 海外的

  [例] overseas market

  overtime [ 5EuvEtaim ] (n.) time after basic working time, normally paid at an extra rate加班

  [例] However, at the end of any month you mustn’t have more than 10 hours’ overtime.

  overtrade [ 5EuvE5treid ] (v.) to engage in trading to a degree that is in excess of one's finances or the demands of the market 贸易过度

  owe [ Eu ] (v.) have to pay money欠款

  [例] They owe the bank £25,000.

  own-brand (adj.) using own brand 使用自己品牌的

  [例] own-brand product

