


来源 :中华考试网 2016-06-08


  The contributions of Trade to Development 贸易发展的贡献

  Even though international trade cannot in general be expected to be an “engine of growth” today , there are still many ways (besides the static gains from comparative advantage ) in which it can contribute to the economic development of today’s developing nations . One economist has pointed out the following important beneficial effects that international trade can have on economic development (1) Trade can lead to the full utilization of otherwise underemployed domestic resources. That is , through trade , a developing nation can move from an inefficient production point inside its production frontier , with unutilized resources because of insufficient internal demand ,to a point on its production frontier with trade . For such a nation , trade would represent a vent for surplus, or an outlet for its potential surplus of agricultural commodities and raw materials .This has indeed occurred in many developing nations ,particularly those in Southeast Asia and West Africa.


  In addition,(2)by expanding the size of the market, trade makes possible division of labor and economies of scale. This is especially important and has actually taken place in the production of light manufactures in such small economic units as Taiwan, Hong Kong ,and Singapore .(3)International trade is the vehicle for the transmission of new ideas ,new technology ,and new managerial and other skills .(4)Trade also stimulates and facilitates the international flow of capital from developed to developing nations. In the case of direct foreign investments ,where the foreign firm retains managerial control over its investment, the foreign capital is likely to be accompanied by foreign skilled personnel to operate it .(There is ,however, a great deal of controversy surrounding the costs and benefits of foreign capital to the developing host nation.) (5)In several large developing nations .such as Brazil and India ,the importation of new manufactured products has stimulated domestic demand until efficient domestic production of these good became feasible .Finally,(6)international trade is an excellent antimonopoly weapon (when allowed to operate ) because it stimulates greater efficiency by domestic producers to meet foreign competition . This is particularly important to keep low the cost and price of intermediate or semifinished products used as inputs in the domestic production of other commodities

  此外,(2)的市场规模不断扩大,贸易使劳动分工和规模经济。这是特别重要的,实际上已经发生了光的生产制造商,在台湾,香港,新加坡这样的小经济单位。(3)国际贸易是传输的新思路,新技术和新的管理工具和其他技能。(4)应收账款也刺激和促进从发达国家向发展中国家的国际资本流动。在外商直接投资,外国公司保留对投资的管理控制的情况下,外资可能伴随着由外国技术人员来操作它。(然而,有一个很大的争议周围的成本,外资对发展中东道国国家。)(5)在一些发展中的大国,如巴西和印度,工业新产品的进口,刺激国内需求,直到这些良好的有效的国内生产变得可行。最后,(6 )国际贸易是一个很好的反垄断武器(当操作),因为它刺激更高的效率由国内生产,以满足国外的竞争。这是特别重要的是要保持较低的投入在国内生产的其他商品的成本和价格使用中间或半成品的同样令人印象深刻的所谓的有害影响的贸易。

  Critics of international trade can match this impressive list of benefit with an equally impressive list of the allegedly harmful effect of trade. However, since a developing nation can refuse to trade .However , since a developing nation can refuse to trade if it gains nothing or loses, the presumption is that it must also gain from trade .It is true that when most of the gains from trade accrue .to developed nations, there is a great deal of dissatisfaction and justification for demands to rectify the situation, but this should not be construed to mean that trade is actually harmful .One can ,of course , always find cases where ,on balance , international trade may actually have hampered economic development . However, in most cases it can be expected to provide invaluable assistance to the development process .This has been confirmed empirically by many researchers ,including this author .Even China ,which for security and ideological reasons strove for self-sufficiency during most of the postwar period, has recently come to appreciate the contribution that trade can make to its growth and development and is indeed now reaping major benefits from international trade –and so do the former communist countries of Eastern Europe and the republics of the former Soviet Union after their fall.


