来源 :中华考试网 2018-09-04
中国中央政府部门于周四开始公布公开2011年公款花费。根据公开的数目来看,去年中央部门在公务接待、公车、出国方面的支出为93.6亿人民币 (约合14.8亿美元),即众所周知的“三公经费”。至今已有超过90个中央部门公开了他们2010年至2011年的公务出国、接待和交通费用。
Chinese central government departments on Thursday began to publish details on their expenditures in 2011. According to the figures released, central government departments spent 9.36 billion yuan (1.48 billion U.S. dollars) on receptions, vehicles and overseas trips, also known as "the three public consumptions". More than 90 central government departments publicized their 2010 and 2011 spending on overseas travel, receptions and vehicles.
“the three public consumptions”就是“三公经费”的意思,“三公经费”是指中央财政按照有关规定,通过财政拨款安排给相关中央部门及其所属单位,用于因公出国(境)、公务用车购置及运行和公务接待等方面的支出。“三公经费”是一个划时代的进步,公开后要加强对细目账单的核查。目前的公开还没有使公众对政府部门的预算进行有效监督,并达到制止政府部门过度消费的目的。
1. the three public consumptions 三公经费,三公消费
2. vehicle purchasing and maintenance 车辆购置及运行费
3. central government department 中央政府部门
4. excessive consumption/over-consumption 过度消费
5. publicize v. 公布
例句:These securities were so bad that they wouldn't even publicize their credit rating.这些证券如此之差,以至于不能公布他们的信用评级。
Since May 2011, the State Council has repeatedly called on its ministries to reduce "squandering practices" and make their fiscal information public in more areas and "provide greater details", especially regarding funds used for "the three public consumptions".
"The three public consumptions" have long been criticized as "sources of corruption and waste".