来源 :中华考试网 2020-06-06
例 1: The branch has recently gained a prestigious new contract with one of the city's major accountancy firms, which is & sourcing its managcmeiit training. 分公司 最近承 接了一个很有分量的外包业务合同,为城里一家著名会计师事务所提供管理培训服 务C
例 2: The company provides out^yurced computer nd work services.那家公司提供计算 机网络服务外包业务。
例 3: The training centre is expected to grow steadily as more and more management training is gradually outsourced .随若越来越多的管理培训工作逐渐外包,该培训站有 望稳步增长。
例: An intermediate product, such as an aulomobile engine, may be cxporled to Mexico for assembly and rc-cxporlcd back Lo the U.S. firm for placement in the final product. That is often called outsourcing,—个零部件.比如说一台汽车引擎,可以从美国出口 到墨西哥组装,然后从那里再出口回到美国公司,安装成录终产品。这常被称为外 包。
outstanding 剩余的
例: Our overseas safes outlets are also returni哩 stock to help us fulfil these outstanding orders.公司的海外专卖店也正陆续把货寄回来,帮助公司完成这些剩余订单。
outstanding balance 余额,,剩余金额
例:Finally,()n day 65, Sieve receives the outstanding balance of $ 9000.最后,在第 65天,史蒂夫收到9000 M元的余额。
overbook (旅馆、酒店)超员预订
例: There are more guests than rooms. Pm afraid the hotel is o^fer/xioked. 客人人数超 过了住房数。恐怕这个酒店已经超员预订。
over-capacity 生产能力过剩
例; The process of consolidation was accelerated by deregulation, o-uer-capacity and the arrival of the single European currency.合并过程由于撤销价格管制、生产能力过剩及 实行单一欧洲货币而加快。
例: The petrol companies had been overcharging customers for some time- 石油公司向
例: Almost every marketer has dealt with bad managers and over-demanding clients and ifi made anxious and exhausted by the experience.几乎所有营销人员都曾有过同坏脾气 的上司和要求过高的客户打交道的经历,这种经历使他们精疲力竭C
例: From time to time many businesses reach the position where they need an overdraft. When this happens, it is vital that you contact your bank man迎er beforehand to arrange an overdraft facility.许多企业常常都会处于需要透支的境地。这时务必捷前与银行经 理联系安排透支便利。
overdraw 透支
例:I'm overdraum this month.这个月我的银行存款透支了。
例:This an 匾M price.这是一切包括在内的价格。
overhead projector投影仪(一种能将书写或图像放大的投影放映装置,其特点是操 作者可面对观众),简称OHP
例: The hotel provides conference equipment such as flip charts and (ruerhead projectors ・ 那家酒店提供活动挂图、投影仪等会议设备。
overheads (包括工资、电费、租金、邮费、设备费、订报费等的)管理费用,经
例 1: The overheads are the normal costs of a business, which do not charge if production rises. They are also referred to as indirect costs of fixed costs.管理费用指经营企业的日 常开支成本,不随产量的增长而改变。也祓称为固定成本中的间接成本。
例 2: The company has reduced overheads by 15% by cutting senior management positions at various officer.公司通过削减各分公司高层管理人数,降低了 15%的管理 费用。
overnight train 夜达火车
例;Why don't you take the trxim ?你为什么不乘夜达火车?
overseas sales representative 海夕卜销售彳弋表
例:Ihc company needed someone to sell its goods abroad, and he became the company's first sales re present .公司需要人到国外推销产品.于是他成为了公司的
oversee 监管
例:It's importam to efficiently mawe or g?厂w .有效地进行管理或监督非常重要。
cverstretciied 劳动强度太大
例:The people on the shop floor are oxjerstreiched and can't cope.在生产第一线的工人 因劳动强度太大已无法应付。
over-the-counter 1 非处方药,简称 OTC
例: Phc big ccnnpanies are also taking the oirer-the-counter niarkci more and more scri- 如sly.大制药公司也开始越来越注重非处方药市场
over-the-counter 2 (外汇、证券)场外交易市场,店头交易,简称CTC
例: The security company is taking the mer-the-counter market to trade the bonds. 该证 券公司利用场外交易市场进行债券交易Q
overtime 1 加班,加班时间
例: Not working irvertime is often seen as a failure to show commitment to the company. 拒绝加班常常被认为是对公司缺乏奉献精神的表现Q
overtime 2加班报酬,加班费
{列: Overtime is time and a half (ic if norm戒 pay is £ 10 per hour, overtime is £ 15)・ 加班费是正當报酬的一倍半(若正常报酬是每小时1()英镑,加班报酬应为15英镑)Q
overtime pay 加班费
例:If you want, you can have time off instead of overtime pay .如果愿意.你尽可以选 择要休假而不要加班费。
own brand fl己的商标
例!: There can be a pmblem when the packaging of I he mailer’s own brand is similar to o(hcr leading brands,零售商自己的商标包装若与其他领先品牌相似,就可能带来麻 烦C
own-brand用自己商标的,“贴牌”(即产品贴上零售集团自己的独特品牌,它是 OEM (贴牌业务)的一种类型。另一种类型是贴上同行业其他制造企业的品牌), 亦作own. label
例: Worst of all, its customers were buying fewer and fewer of its oum-brand products, and showing a preference for more fashionable brands,最糟糕的是,顾客越来越少购买 贴有商场自己品牌的产品,而是表现出对时髦品牌的青睐。
例 1: The company soon expanded rapidly throughout the USA and in 1974 it began se!l・ ing its tmm-label pn?ducts.该公司很快扩展至全美国,1974年,它开始售卖贴自己商 标的产品。
例 2: Many people said that they would be prepared to buy a supermarket o-ujn-label car or even a house from a supermarket-branded estate agent.许多人表示有准备购买超市贴 牌汽车,甚至包括购买使用某个超市品牌为商标的地产商提供的房子。