来源 :中华考试网 2020-06-06
中name-brand college 名牌大学
例: A name-brand college, says Steinbrecher, “has become a status symbol, like a Gucci shirt.”用斯坦布里切的话说,名牌大学“已成为身份的象征,就像古奇牌的衬衫一 样。”
nanotechnology 纳米技术
例:Thanks to nanot&hnnlogy、Big Science will be able to get small and manipulate atoms in ways that arc guaranteed to improve your lifestyle.由于有 了纳米技术,大科学 将变小,能够以确保改善你生活质量的各种方式操纵原子。
national advertising 全国性广告
例: The franchisor develops through national advertising a highly visible trade name that is easily recognized by the public.通过全国性的广告宣传,特许授予公司建立起易为大 众识别的醒目商标。
national papers全国性报纸
例: Oimpanies advertise blue-collar or clerical jobs in local newspapers and senior management positions in national papers ot professional journals.招聘普通工入和文秘人员的 广告往往登在当地报刊上,高级管理眼位则登在全国性报纸或专业杂志上。
national sales manager国内市场销售部经理
national stereotype (为世人所认定的)传统民族/国民形象,固定民族/国民形象
例; Many brands are built on the use of national stereotypes in their advertising. 许多名 牌通过在广告中利用固定国民形象树立起来。
natural wastage自然减员(如自然退休、死亡等,而不是人为的辞退、裁员)
例: Any future reductions in staff will be achieved only by natural wastage tendencies. 今后将通过自然减员的趋势来减少员工数。
negotiating meeting 谈判会
nervous breakdown 神经崩溃
俐: He's on the verge of a nervous br-eakd(rwn because of ihc stress of meeting looming deadlines .因为不断要应付迫在眉睫的紧任务,压力太大,他已处于神经崩溃的边缘。
net cash净现金收入
例:The balance sheet show ne£ cash at £ 3.2bn after expenditure of £ 346m.资产负债 表显示,尽管支出3.46亿,净现金收入还是达到32亿。
net sales净销售额
例:Ten percent of net sales are re-invested in research and development, ensuring that the company mainiains its position as markei leader in mobile phone technology. 净销 售 额 的10%用于研究开发的再投裕,以保持公司在移动电话技术市场的领先地位。
network consultancy 网络咨询公司
networking 人际网,关系网
例: Our CEO was able to do some useful 泌working al the trade conierence, which we knew could lead to important future sales.我们的首席执行官在贸易洽谈会上建立了 一 些有用的人际关系,我们知道这一工作将大大有利于未来的销信,
networking skills建立人际关系网的技能
例;GMs need to develop net^rkin^ skilh .总经理需要培养建立人际关系网的技能。
net worth资产净值
例: The small company's sales last year were sirong but increased liabilities reduced the owner's net iwr珀..去年这家小公司的销售业绩不错,但是负债增加使得业主的资产 净值减少。
new arrivals 新款
例:She searched the clothing store for arri-uals. She was always up to date cn the latest trends.她在服装店货架上捜寻着新款服装,她总是追求我新流行时尚’
new-collar新领阶层的(指二次世界大战后出生于蓝领阶级家庭而后成为白领工人 的美国中产阶级人士)
例: A jiewsugen/ is a store where newspapers, magazines, candy: cigarettes etc are sold.
newsletter (公司刊印的)业务通讯
例:A neu'slet£er tells people—usually people outside the company—about the life of the organization.公司刊印的业务通讯通常面向社会公众,向他们发布公司活动信息。
niche细分市场,空隙市场,小市场《小规模的专业市场,相对于被大公司占领的 大市场),亦作niche market
例:They aimed at niche marketing.他们的目标在于細分营销力卜群体专业市场的营 销。
niche market细分市场.空隙市场,小市场(小规模的专业市场,相对于被大公司 占领的大市场),亦作niche
例:If a company needs to fill a niche role in a niche market, then they come to a head- hunter、假如某个公司需要寻我一个合适人选.填补其细分市场的某个专业职位,通 常会求助于猎头公司:.
night safe夜间保险箱
Nintendo machine (日本)任天堂电脑游戏机
例:Television was banned. Her rm ia, however, still allowed to play on the computer and on his Nintendo machine.虽然不许看电视,她的儿子还是可以玩电脑和任天堂游 我机° ,
no claims bonus无索赔奖金(为了奖励无索赔者,保险公司削减年度保费,优惠对 象为1Z一年度无索赔者)
例; We would like to inform you that your premium will rise by 10% as your no claims bonus will be affected by this inci dent.由于该事件影响到您的无索赔奖金,保险费将 提高10%,特此通知,
no frills只提供最起码必需品的,朴实无华的
例:To dale, The at tract ion of no frith airlines has been based on price.迄今为止,只提 供录起码必需品的航空公司一直是以机票价格便宜吸引顾客。
nomina] capita] 法定股本,见 authorized share capital
non-core activity 非核心业务
—也— 例: Trading profit fell by 7% clue to disappointments in nan-corv activities ・ 由于公司非 核心业务经营业绩不佳,贸易利润下降了7%。
non-hierarchical approach lo management 非层级化的管理方式
例:The training organisation has a nan-hierarch ical approach to management and believes in giving responsibility to staff at all levels of the oi^anisation- 该培训机构实行一 种非层级化的管理方式,并坚信赋予机构各级员工责任这种做法有益。
nonprofit organization 非盈利性组织
例: Nonprofit organizations — such as churches, most hospitals, government agencies, and colleges, which operate for purposes other than to earn a profit - use accounting information in much the same way that profit — oriented businesses do. 非盈 利 性 组织,如教 堂、大多数医院、政府机构、大学,其经营均为非盈利性,它们运用会计资料的方法 与盈利性企业大同小异。
non-standard product非标准化产品,个性化产品
例: The reorganization of ?omc procedures within the production process is in order io reduce the time it takes to design and manufacture non-standard products for specific orders. 为满足一些特别订单要求的非标准个性化产品需要,对生产过程中的一些步骤 进行了重组,旨在减少其设计和生产时间°
non-trade foreign exchange 非贸易外汇
例: Non-trade foreign exchange refers to proceeds obtained from services such as trans- port, insurance, tourism, advertising and investment income. 非贸易夕卜汇指的是从服备 中获取的收入,如运输、保险、旅游、广告和投资收益。
nonverbal communication 非语言沟通
例: Nonverbal communicaiions have dramatically different meanings across cultures. 非 语盲沟通在不同文化中有明显不同的含义。
no shower未露面客人,预订•了酒店客房而没有来的人
例:People who have booked but don' t arrive are known as no showers ・预订了酒店客房 而没有来的人被称为“未露面客人气
例 1: He had to leave at short notice and had no time to update me.他接通知后马上就 得离开,没时间把新情况告诉我。
例 2: Usually companies give you at least a day's notice of an interview, g use that time to prepare yourself weLL通常公司至少会提前一天通知面试,因此你得好好利用这段 时间做好准备、•.、
notice board 通知板
notify 通知
例: All employees ale expected to noti fy their manager about any discomfort experienced v/hilsl usii垠a word pr