来源 :中华考试网 2020-06-02
中early booking提前预订
例:There will be 10% discount for early booking.提前预订可享受 10% 的折扣。
early retirement 提前退休
例: Members of staff who do not wish to remain and work in the new company may take the option of early retirement perhaps with reduced pension.不想留在合并或收购后的 新公司里继续工作的员工可以选择提前退休,这样的话退休金可能会减少。
early sales先机销售
例: We expect the product to experience rapid early sales before being joined by me-too products from our competitors.我们希望在竞争对手生产出同类产品加入到市场之前, 该产品能迅速在市场销售上占领先机。
early settlement discount 提前付款折扣
例:We normally offer 30 days net with an early settlement discount of 1% if the customer pays within the first 10 days.通常付款期限为30天整。假如顾客在头10天内付 款,我们将给予1%的提前付款折扣。
例: They, 11 have to be prepared to wait longer for earnings from this investment. 这项 投资不会在短时间赢利,他们得做好准备。
earnings per share 每股收益,简称 EPS
例: Earnings per share represent net income divided by the average number of shares of common stock.每股收益指的是净收益除以平均普通股的股数。
e-business 电子商务,主要包括三个方面:customer relationship management (顾客 关系管理)s supply chain management (供应链管理)、及e-commerce (电子贸易) 例: E-business is using Internet technology to streamline basic business processes to improve operating efficiencies.电子商务即利用因特网技术简化基本商务运作过程,以提 高经营效率。
ecotriendly 生态友好的,生态保护的,对环境无害的
例; After years of fits and starts, auto engineers are making serious strides toward bring- i ng eco-frieiidly vehicles to showrooms.经过数年断断续续的工作,汽车工程师正朝帰 让生态友好汽车进入展厅的目标迈出坚实的几大步。
例: The website recently introduced a new mode of e-commerce, which enables buyers to bargain prices with sellers instead of accepting fixed prices,这个网址最近介绍 了 一种新 的电子贸易方式,使买家可以与卖家讨价还价.而不是被动接受固定价格。
e-commerce website company 电子商务网站公司
例: The business volume of 8848, China,s first e-com^rce website company, reached 12、5 million yuan during its first eight months of business since its initial operation. 中 国 第一家电子商务网站公司“8848"开张不到8个月,营业额已达1250万元。
例;He docs prefer econotxxx^s to fancy cars-比起高级轿车,他确实更喜欢经济型汽 车。
economic price有利可图的价格.经济的价格,合理的价格
例:An economic price is a price that allows a reasonable profit.有利可图的价格指的是 能赚取适当利润的价格。
economic resources 经济资源
例: Assets are the economic resources of a business that are to be of benefit in the future. 资产是企业用于创造未来收益的经济资源。
economies of scale规模效益,规模经济(因经营规模扩大而得到的经济节约)亦作 scale economies
例: Large enterprises have the edge over small and medium-sized ones because economies of scale give them lower costs and higher profits,由于规模效益(规模经济),大企业可 以做到低成卒、高利润,从而比中小型企业具有优势。
economy (某种经济制度的)国家或地区
例:In the early 1980s, most connuentators took it for granted that Germany and Japan were the economies which would dominate global business at the end of the century. 20 世 纪80年代初,许多时事评论员想当然地认为到20世纪末,德国和日本会成为雄霸全
economy class (飞机、车、解等的)经济舱,二等舱,亦作second class,与较为
舒适、票价较高的business class (公务舱)相对
economy drive (公司内的)节约运动
例:Cutting back on advertising is a part of the economy drive.削减广吿开支是这项节 约运动的一部分。
economy flight 经济航班
例:Some airlines have reacted by enlarging their loyalty schemes to include economy fights as well.有些航空公司作出反应,把忠诚奖励计划扩大到经济航班。
economy pack经济优惠装
例‘:The economy pack has three cartons of orange juice for the price of two. 柄子汁经济 优惠装是三盒的份量只售两盒的价格。
economy size 大包装
例:Buy the economy size , it's cheaper.买大包装的吧,它便宜一些。
eco-tourism 生态旅游
例: The hotel is a controversial experiment in so-called ecc^tourism . Its backers hope to bring in money to help fund efforts to save the panda.这家旅馆作为生态旅游的试点, 引起颇多争议。支持者们期望它能赢利,以便为抢救大熊猫碁集资金。
effect shipment 交货
例; We have sailed the terms of payment - Is it possible to effect shipment during September?我们已经谈妥了付款条件,你方是否能够在九月份交货?
800 number受话人付费业务
例:Traditional 800 numbers are free.传统的 800 号是免费的。
例: As communications technolc^ies advance tmd networks become more efficient, the shift to e-lancing promises to accelerate,随着通信技术的进步和网络效率的提高,朝着 电子自由职业方向的转轨有望加速。
electric appliances 家用电器
例:Siemens makes electric appliances.西门子股份公司生产家用电器产品。
electronic banking 电子银行,电子金融(指通过互联网技术开展存贷款、结算、交 易等业务)
例:In technologically advanced Asian countries and regions such as Hong Koi^ and Singapore, almost all sectors of society are adopters of some electronic banking products. 在 香港、新加坡等技术领先的亚洲国家和地区,几乎社会所有部门都在使用电子金融产 品0
SectranicData Gathering Analysis and Retrieval 电子数据分析检索系统,简称 EDGAR
例: Since January 1994, these financial statements have resided online at EDGAR (EZec- t nmic lyita GuthEng Analysis and Retrieval) on the SEC she.自从 1994 年一月,这 些财务报亲便在证券交易委员会网站的电子数据分析检索系统上网。
electronic immigrant电子移民(指在一个国家居住而为另-•个国家的公司通过网络 上班者,或通过网络为国外客户提供技术服务的人)
例: The new global workers of the future will be electronic immigrants - These workers v^ill telecommute over great distances.未来的新型全球性员工将会是电子移民。这些员 工将在两地距离很远的地方通讯上班。
electronic magazine 电子杂志,网上杂志,简称e-zine,有时也写作ezine„
electronic sweatshop电子血汗工厂。指上司可利用科技手段来观察和记录员工T作 情况的工作环境,如在电脑前从事日常工作的行业。
elite (总称)优秀人才
例:A big increase in demand for the elite pushes up starting rates of salaries,由于对优 秀人才的需求大幅增加,所以提高了起始工资。
例: The chief financial officer went to prison for his embezzlement of company funds. 公 司的首席财务官由于挪用公款而被判入狱。
e-money 电子货币
例: But electronic commerce demands true e-money. What we have so far are ways of
making payments electronically.然而,电子贸易需要真正的电子货币o我们现在已有 的只是电子付款方式。
emotional intelligence 情商,情感智力
例 1: Emotional Intellige-nce is a phrase for a different way of bei旭 smart—it's how you do in life, how you manage yourself, your feelings, how you get along with other people, etc. 商这个词用来形容另一种智慧,它与人们如何处世,如何管理自己,掌控情 感,如何与他人相处等能力有关。
例2; Emotional Intelligence is by definition a complex multifaceted quality representir^ such intangibles as self-awareness, empathy, per^stence and social deftness. 情感智力本 质上具有复杂的多面性,代表着自我意识、同情、持之以恒和从容应付社交等无形的 东西。
emotional quotient 情感商数,情商,简称 EQ,与 intelligent quotient (IQ)(智商) 相对应
例: EQ is not the opposite of IQ. Some people are blessed with s Lot of both, some with little of either/情商并非智商的反义词。有人生来两神商数都很高,有的却二者俱低。
employment agency 职业介绍所,等于 employment services 或 employment bureau 或 recruitment agency 或 staff recruitment agency
Employment Appeal Tribunal 劳工申诉法庭,简称 EAT
例:This is the recent case brought before the Employment Appeal Tribunal.最近提交 劳工申诉法庭的就是这个案子c
employment exchange 职业介绍所(中心)(由政府机构设立)
employment cost劳动力腐用成本,雇工费
例 1: Ireland enjoys very low employment costs, one of the lowest rates of inflation and one of the cheapest tariffs for telecommunications in Europe.爱尔兰不仅雇工费极低,同 时还是欧洲通胀率最低、电信费用最便宜的国家之一。
例 2: This includes capital investment, training and ejnployment costs ‘ as well as grants towards investment in R&D prefects.这笔费用包括资本投资、培训费和雇工费,以及 针对研发项目的'投资资助。
employment law 劳工法
例:Tie is an einployrnent specialist with the firm.他是公司职请的劳工法专家。
employee loyalty 员工忠诚,亦作 staff loyalty
例:In future, companies will have to concentrate more on establishing employee loyalty , which will be hard won, with many people preferring to improve their CVs and move on to another company rather than get stressed out in their current job. 将来, 公司必须更 加注重树立员工对公司的忠诚,但要做到这点并非易事.因为多数人都宁愿丰富自己 的履历表而转到其他公司,也不愿继续干令人紧张疲惫的现有工作。