

来源 :中华考试网 2020-06-01

  demotion 降级,降职

  例;His behaviour improved after his demotion・降职处分后,他的行为规矩多了。

  demotivation消极怠T (情绪)

  例; Unless these issues are addressed as a matter of urgency, the consequent demotivation of staff will undoubtedly have a negative impact on the performance of the company. 除非这些问题作为当务之急得到及时解决,否则员工中随之出现的消极怠工情绪无疑 将对公司的整个运营业绩产生负面影响。

  demoware演示产品,免费试用产品,购买前可以免费使用的软件等产品演示版, 通常缺少某些重要功能和特性,如存储或打印功能等。

  deposit account 定期存款

  例 1: People now realise that in the medium to long term shares are far more lucrative than^^> accounts.人们现在认识到就中长期而言.股票远比定期存款赚钱。

  例 2: Customers with a deposit account will receive a higher rate of interest. 期存款周 户可以获得较高的利率。

  depreciate 贬值

  例:The value of the home currency is depreciated .本国货币币值贬值(下降)。

  depreciation 折旧

  例:Depreciation is highest in the firsi two years of a vehicle's life-汽车寿命的 折旧在 使用的头两年录高。


  例:He supported of (the price of) natural gas.他支持对天然气价格撤销


  design consultancy 设计咨询公司


  例1: designer j^ns标名牛仔裤

  例2: designer labels设计师姓名标志

  designer outlet 专卖店

  例:The enormous 200-store mall houses many designer outlets.这个有 200 家店铺的超 大型商业区有许多专卖店。

  desk diary 办公日记

  desktop (computer) 台式电脑,桌面型电脑,放在桌上使用.不能随身携带的个人 电脑或终端机

  例:Desktops /Desktop computers are now a feature of any modem office-现代化 的办公 室都装有台式电脳c

  desktop publishing桌面出版,简称DTP,指用个人电脑排版制作及印刷和IE规出版 物看上去差不多的简讯、小册子等。

  例 1: Desktop publishing pregrams are used for producing manuals, catalogues, etc- 桌 面出版软件用来制作用户手册、产品目录等。

  例2: Desktop publishing is reducing the company's need to use the services of outside primer*桌面出版使公司减少使用外界印刷商服务的需求。

  despatch rider縻托速递员

  例:The parcel will be delivered by a despatch rider、包裹将由摩托速递员送达

  destabt.shing 使(政府、经济等)不稳定的,破坏的

  例: This can have a d^tablishin^ effect on a workforce and may mean projected efficiencies are not delivered .这样可能会对某一方的员工产生破坏性影响,从而也许意味•着 无法达到预舞效能。


  例; The most important new developments included a range of children's drinks and low calorie diet drinks, which both proved very popular.最重要的新进展包括增加了 儿童饮 料和低热量健怡饮料产品系列,这两种产品均大受欢迎。

  diagram 简图,图表,示意图

  例: Use the diagrams in the instruction manual to help you to assemble the machine- 用 说明书中的示意图帮助你装配机器。


  例:Could you run through my diary for Thursday and Friday?你能不能帮忙看看星期 四和星期五我的工作日程记录上有什么安排?

  dictaphone 口述录音机

  例:She recorded a message on the dictaphtme ・地用口 述录音机录下信息o

  dictating machine 口述记录机

  例:She recorded a letter on the dictating machine ・她在 口述记录机上录下信稿。

  diet cola (不含糖的)健怡可乐,亦作diet Coke

  例:Industry executives and bottlers say Coke is likely to introduce a bottled water over the next several months, and may even introduce a new diei cola .行业总管和装瓶商说, 可口可乐公司在未来几个月内可能会引进瓶装水,甚至还会引进一种新的健怡可乐。

  diet drink健怡饮料

  例: The strength of the keep-fit market also explains the success of our new diet drinks . 保健市场的勃勃生机也是我们新推出的健怡饮料获得成功的原因。

  difference 特点,特征,特色

  例:The company organizes training courses with a difference .那家公司培洲课程办街 很有特色。


  例 1: Ford believed in the dignity of work, and did not wish his men to become underpaid robots,福特认为工作是高尚的,不希望其工人沦为收入低下的苦力。

  例 2; Business should provide working conditions which respect each employee's health and dignity .企业应为每位员工提供尊宣其健康和尊严的工作环境。


  例: Dilution relates to the weakening or broadening of a brand's image in the mind of the average consumer-品牌的弱化与在普通消费者心目中削弱或强化品牌形象有关。

  dip (短时间小幅度地)下降

  例:The price of fertilizer took a dip .肥料价格短时间小幅下跌。

  direct debit直接借记(指无须签订委托书直接从账户中扣除)

  例: You can tell the bank to pay your electricity T telephone and other bills by direct


  direct mail(mg)直接邮寄广告(推销法)

  例:Sending product or service information by post to specific individuals or companies is called direct ^nailing .将产品信息或服务信息寄给个人或公司,这种方式被称为邮寄 广告直销法。

  direct marketing直接营销(不通过商店而用邮政、电话或走访客户的方式进行推 销)

  例; Dir& l marketing cuts out the costs of supplying shops and enables customers to buy al lower prices.直接营销可节省给商店供货的费用,使顾客能用较低的价格购买商 品。

  director of development 开发部主管

  例:She is personal assistant to the director of d^loprnent.她是研1 究开发部主管的私 人助理。

  direct provider直接供应商

  例:Direct Line was the first direct prmider of insurance in the UK when it started 13 years ago. 13年前“直线"公司成立时,它是英国第一家保险产品直接供应商。

  direct selling/sale 宜销

  例:A selling technique based on making a personal call to an individual or company is called direct selling /sale •亲自上门找个人或公司推销产品,这种销售方式被称为直 销C


  例;business accommodation directories 商住指南

  directory enquiries 电话査询(业务)

  例:She* s dealing with directory enquiries .她从事电话査询业务 c

  dirty bill of lading不洁提单(由航运代理出具,说明托运货物已受损)

  discount store折扣商店,也称rebate store,以商品齐金、价格便宜为特点,著名的 沃尔玛零售商店(Wai-Man)就是这类商店的代表°

  例:Conventional wisdom was that a discount store couldn' t make it in a town smaller

  than 50 000.传统看•法认为折扣而店在人口不足5万的城镇淮以生存。

  discounted promotional ticket 折扣(促销)集

  例: More and more executives now find their full-fare business class tickets replaced by discounted promotional tickets or even economy class seals.如今趙来越多的公司经理发 现其全额公务舱机票被折扣票甚至经济舱位票取代。


  例: These transactions have the effect of levelling down discrepancies in exchange rates. 这些交易有缩小汇率差额的作用c

  discussion meeting (不一定非达成决议的)讨论会


  例? The recession has caused many companies to disMive灯.经济箫条使许多公司减少或 停止投资

  disk storage 磁盘盒


  例:She said she had been unfairly dismissed but the court said her employer had been right to sack her,她说自己被不公正开除,涅法院认定老板解雇她并没有错。、

  dismissal 解雇

  例:She has decided to sue the company for wror^ful dismissal.她决:定以不公正解雇为 由起诉公司。

  dispense bartender 吧台服务员

  例: The dispense bartender has to make sure there is enough wine, beer and spirits. 吧 台服务员得保证酒水供应充足。

  display store陈列品商店,也叫catalog store,指邮购公司根据商品目录开设的商 店,店内展示的商品仅作陈列,顾客可以通过参观以决定是否邮购



